Chapter 12

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Angels Pov:

I woke up the next day pretty early in the morning. My head still hurt but the pain had transferred to a dull quiet ache. The first thing I noticed was that Husk was nowhere to be found. I started panicking a little. Did he leave me? Was he just pretending to forgive me last night out of pity and now he's gone? Did Val get him??!?

My worry was halted when I saw a note on the dresser

Be back soon I'm getting groceries

Love you

My heart softened reading his note. "I love you too," I whispered with a smile. I went back to sleep and waited for him to return.

Husks Pov:

I stormed out to my car boiling with rage. How dare he hurt him like that. The fucking pig needs to keep his hands to himself and his dick in his pants. Hopefully when I'm through with him that won't be an issue.

I left the hotel at about 4 am soon after Angel fell asleep. It was almost impossible to contain my anger that someone would do that to another person. Especially someone I love so much. I wrote a quick note so he knew I wasn't mad at him and left with the keys to the studio. And one more thing.

When I got to the studio it was about 4:30 and still dark outside. No cars were parked outside, perfect. I slipped on my mask and walked quietly to the front.

Upon entering the first thing I noticed was the blood. Crimson streaks stained everything in the room. The desk split in two sat in the corner of the room. I could imagine how the whole thing played out, something that disturbed me greatly. The doorbell to what I assume was his room dripped with blood.

I walked around until I found his office, a door with "Valentino" written on it in big pink letters. Surprisingly the door wasn't even locked. It opened as soon as I pushed it. I scavenged for a bit until I found what I was looking for. Coffee grounds. Perfect.

The bag of pills crinkled in my pocket. I took 4 out and crushed them into a fine powder. Then I opened the bag of coffee grounds and mixed them together. They blended in better than I thought they would. You would never be able to tell. I sealed the bag back up and left the office just as I found out. I crept quietly out of the studio and back to my car, radiating with joy. I couldn't wait to tell Angel. He's gonna be so relieved.

I started driving back to the hotel and imagined our happy life together without having to worry about him. He can't hurt us if he's dead! It's time to begin our new perfect life.

Angels Pov: I woke up around noon with the headache almost fully gone. I went downstairs to see if Husk was back and found him sitting in the living room watching Tv.

"Hey," I said smiling at him still half asleep. "Morning sleepyhead. Feel better?" He asked grinning from ear to ear. "Yeah actually." I said sitting down next to him. "What're you so smiley about?" I asked with a chuckle. "Turn on the news and you'll see," he said with a smile that looked like it could tear right through him.

The first thing I saw was a picture of him dead in his chair. This has to be a prank. This isn't real. I turned to husk who couldn't contain his pure happiness. "Is he..." "Dead? Yep. I snuck over there and put some of the pills in his coffee. You'll never have to worry about him again."

It felt like I had been stabbed through the chest. The world stopped being real, time froze in its place and everything moved in slow motion. "No," I whispered staring at Husks face. He did this. He killed him. He's dead. He's fucking dead. I'll never see him again. I'll never talk to him again. He's gone. He's dead. He's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead.

"What do you mean no? Yes, he's dead." he said confused. "No," I whispered again, unable to say anything else. "No. No. No. No. No! NO!" I yelled as I backed into the wall and away from him. I slid against it and stared into my hands. "Aren't you happy? This is good! He can't ever hurt you again," he said taking my hands gently. I yanked my hands away feeling very suffocated. I had to escape. I couldn't stay here. I couldn't look at him.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and then went upstairs to my room. Husk followed me up saying something along the lines of "put the knife down" but I could barely hear him. I locked the door and leaned against it. The feeling of pure grief strangled me and I could barely breathe. Without hesitation I plunged the the cold steel knife into my skin. Warm blood poured out of the wound. I kept going until I felt whole again, being able to breathe easier with every slice.

The whole time Husk pounded on the door and begged me to let him in. After I was finished cutting I opened to door slightly to reveal a tear stained faced husk. His eyes drifted to my arm and then back to my face. Without saying a word he put his hand on my shoulder and led me to the bathroom. He carefully bandaged me up and wiped the blood away.

We sat together in silence for a while, which seemed to be the routine. Something bad happens, he makes it slightly better, we sit in silence, and then we talk. "Why?" I asked staring at the giant wound I just caused myself. "I hated how much pain he caused you. You were always scared. I did it for you. I thought you would be happy." He said resting his hand on my hand. My gaze softened a little. He was only trying to help. That doesn't bring him back, but at least it makes me feel better about it. Like his death was justified. I turned to face him, looking into his loving eyes, and I realized he only had good intentions.

I hugged him tightly and cried a little bit. He hugged me back and allowed me to cry. I couldn't piece together why I was so sad. He tried to kill me so many times. He violated me. He broke every promise he ever made. He threatened me. How could I possibly be upset about his death? It didn't make any sense.

"I'm sorry for all that. It's pretty stupid huh?" I said into Husks shoulder in between tears. "It's not stupid. And you don't need to apologize. I'm glad you at least let it out now instead of keeping it all inside. I'll always be here for you, no matter what." This made me cry even more. We sat like that for what seemed like hours. He never pushed me away. He just held me and whispered "I love you" to me every so often.

Even with him there I still felt very incomplete. With his death it was like a part of me died too. Maybe it's just a thing I have to wait out. Maybe it feels better over time. But for the time being, at least I didn't have to suffer through it alone.

I am unbelievably sorry for how long this has been taking. I've been sick as hell and relapsing pretty consistently so I constantly have been feeling like crap.

Anyway thank you for your loyalty and patience

Jack out

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