Cheryl nodded eagerly, “I’m definitely more happy than I was back in Riverdale.”

“But?” He probed.

She shook her head this time and explained, “no buts, I just never realised how close happiness really was. I thought it would take longer to find somewhere and feel this content.” She looked at the settlement around them as the Serpents busied themselves with their tasks for the day.

Her eyes were drawn back to the brunette man still crouched next to her. He still wore that bemused look as if suggesting she was missing something obvious, “okay, now own that feeling. Don’t sit here and question the past; you’ve got to live for now, in this moment.”

“Thank you Anton.”

“If you need any more help with those buckles, just come and find me.” He called as he stood and began to walk away. She watched him leave with a small chuckle.

“What’s all this about buckles?” Toni dropped down by her side from behind her.

A smile instantly grew on Cheryl’s lips, “he was helping me because I’m hopeless.”

“You could never be hopeless Cher.” Toni insisted as she pulled the redhead into her side with an arm around her waist.

“You Topaz siblings have very high expectations from me.” Cheryl jested as she melted into the brown pools of the woman’s eyes.

“Or you just have low expectations of yourself.” Toni whispered as she gravitated towards Cheryl’s lips.

Cheryl pulled a hair width away and whispered into the darkness behind her eye lids, “I love you Toni.”

If it were possible, she felt the smile form on the brunette’s mouth as she whispered back, “I love you too, never doubt it.”


Within the next week something miraculous happened at the Serpent settlement. Serpent, old and young, returned to the forest in hoards. Stories spread through the population of the King who released them from their entrapments. He even offered them paid jobs in the castle with free travel between the Kingdom and the forest whenever they wished it.

Cheryl had trusted what her mother had said about her father wanting change for the Seprnts but was hesitant because of his family and their safety if the Riverdallians reaction was hostile. There had been no reports along with all the other tales from the kingdom though.

Reunions were happening all around them and the Serpents celebrated every night for a full month. The twins were in their element amongst their people, and she loved to see it. Her life was like nothing she could have ever dreamed up, and she was soaking up every second of it. Cheryl was watching the Topaz siblings dance around the large bonfire alongside their kin in pure bliss.

“Your father did well; he’s rectified the wrong that was done to our people. I have you to thank for that.” F.P. stepped up next to the redhead and spoke out not looking at her.

Chery absorbed the words feeling pleased and relieved that it seemed her father’s actions had meant more than to only those who had been freed. He had done well, finally, “my mother is owed the gratitude more than myself. Without her I’d never have known how love can cause your biggest fears, but also your greatest pleasures. She opened my eyes to so many good things and by following my heart to her, my father was reminded of the fact that sometimes making sacrifices is the ultimate show of love not only to your family, but to those around you.”

F.P. nodded with a hum before walking away without another word.

Cheryl took a sip of from the bowl in her hands when another person stepping up next to her and drew her attention.

“There is a sadness I feel when I think of how your mother had lived all those years and yet I still don’t get to have her in my life again now.” Alice spoke with a great sadness. All the people around them had been celebrating for weeks at the return of loved ones and yet here she was still alone.

Cheryl looked to her grand-aunt, “I know it isn’t the same, but you have me here now. And any letters I get from her, I will share with you. She isn’t gone.”

“That is very true. I know it’s selfish to want her here with me but it does comfort me knowing that she has had and will continue to have a wonderful life in Riverdale.” Alice looked to her grand-niece with a small smile. “Thank you Cheryl.”

“Pardon me for interrupting, but you wouldn’t mind if I borrowed Cheryl Alice?” Toni had danced her way over to the pair full of elation and giddiness from all the dancing and singing.

“By all means.” Alice nodded to the brunette as she took Cheryl’s bowl from her.

Next thing Cheryl was being pulled along behind the other woman as she weaved them through the crowds of people celebrating.

“Tah-dah!” Toni declared as she held her arms out presenting a lavvu in front of them. “Do you like it?” She panted out shyly turning to see the redhead’s reaction.

“Did you make this?” Cheryl asked as she took in the sight of the tent in awe.

Toni nodded, “Ant and I did it. It’s all yours! Now you won’t have to share with us.”

“It’s amazing TT, I could never thank you enough.” Cheryl was almost speechless; all she could think was how lonely she was going to be now, but she couldn’t share that with the brunette after all the effort she’d obviously put in.

Toni stepped into Cheryl’s space and draped her arms around her waist from behind and spoke into her ear, “and with Ant being such a terrible chaperone, I thought if you had no objections, I could keep you company when you can’t sleep.”

Cheryl spun in her arms and threw her own around Toni’s neck crashing her lips against hers.

Toni let out a laugh against the redhead’s lips, “you really though that after all those nights in the castle that I was going to make you sleep on your own again?”

“Truthfully it did cross my mind.” Cheryl chuckled at herself.

Toni shook her head at the silly thoughts, brushing her nose against the redheads. “I could never fall asleep now without you in my arms.”

“Then that is how we’ll sleep every night forever.”

The sound of festivities in the near distance behind them provided as the perfect reminder to them that their new lives were now filled with happiness and acceptance, of community and love.


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