Chapter 6 - Archer's POV

Comincia dall'inizio

I swung my leg over the saddle, dismounting in one swift movement. My horse whinnied nervously, and I ran my hand along her muscular neck in an attempt to reassure her.

"Don't worry," I told her in a whisper, "I have a feeling this has got to do with the quest."

She sniffed, trotting in place as if to tell me, If we need to run, I'm ready!

I smirked. "Don't get too excited. Hopefully there won't be a need to run."

With one last pat, I parted from her, sauntering up the wooden porch. My steps echoed on the warped planks as I hiked up the steps, and I glanced at the lanterns as I passed beneath them, noticing they weren't lit by flame, but by multiple of those floating lights. With a closer look, the creatures looked like little beetles, their tiny butts somehow illuminated. Was this magic, or just some weird species that only lived here, in the swamps?

I crossed the porch to the front door, lifting the suspicious skull-shaped door-knocker and rapping it three times.

At first, nothing happened. I raised my hand to lift the knocker again, but at that moment the door clicked, creaking open an inch. A shadow peeked through the crack, fixing me with a wide, silver eye.

I stared, unsure of what to say. I mean, I hardly knew whether I was in the right place. The stupid quest didn't specify anything. Besides, it wasn't like I could just say, "Hey, have you seen a Lyfe stone around here by any chance?"

The silver eye took in my cloak, which cast shadows over my face, concealing my armor and weapons beneath it. I wondered whether I should have taken it off — maybe it made me look shifty.

The door suddenly slammed in my face, and I stared in alarm at the knocker as it clanked weakly just inches before my nose.

"Hey —"

"Go away!" a raspy voice said from inside.

"What? Why?" I questioned.

"Visitors are not welcome here!"

"Why not?" I demanded, frustration rising heat in my neck.

"Because! Now leave!" the hoarse voice snapped, and I blinked. Nice reasoning, creep.

"No," I argued.

"Leave now!"


"Leave, or I will curse you for eternity!"

I stopped short, my argument fizzling into nothing. If they could curse me, that meant —

"You have magic?"

The person on the other side of the door was silent for a moment. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You just said you'd curse me," I said, my irritation rising again. "That requires magic."

"Yes, well..." the voice stuttered. "It was merely a figure of speech. Magic has nothing to do with it!"

I heaved a sigh, which came out sounding more like a growl. "Listen here, whacko," I said, speaking slowly and clearly. "You're gonna open this door so we can speak face-to-face, or I'm gonna kick it down myself."

"You dare threaten me?!"

"What are you gonna do about it?" I taunted. "It's not like you can curse me or anything, right? Unless you wanna prove me wrong...?"

The other side of the door silenced. I smirked. Give it 5 seconds...

I counted down in my head but was surprised when the door clicked after only 3 seconds, and my shock only deepened when the door opened completely. In the doorway stood a narrow figure, hidden by a long purple cloak. Only their mouth was visible from beneath their hood, their lips twisted into some sort of half-smirk.

Never Go Off-ScriptDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora