Eloise sobbed and ran towards her.

"El please don't cry."

Penelope said as her friend sank into her arms. Daphne and Francesca weren't far behind her. The four of them stood wrapped around each other. The boys just stood there. Benedict knew how much the girls missed her, and he didn't realise how much he had missed her too. He even felt himself get emotional. As the girls cuddled, he noticed to his right a disgruntled Marina, obviously jealous of Penelope and her new appearance, and Colin... who's mouth was still on the floor.

As the girls dispersed, Simon flung his arms around Penelope and lifted her from the floor.

Benedict done the same.

Marina gave a false smile, that made Daphne cringe. She approached her cousin with a half-arsed hug, and 'air' kisses. God forbid Marina rubbed off any make up and showed the gargoyle, thought Elosie.

Then it was Colin, they both stood there awkwardly as everyone made their way back to the kitchen island. Benedict suggested shots, and margaritas to distract everyone from the reunion.

Penelope crossed her legs, and fixed her jacket just waiting for him to speak.

"Pen, you look incredible. LA suits you."

He held his arms out, and she fell into his embrace.

Her hands reached around his waist and rested on his back with her nails slightly jagging him.

His hands went around her back, and he pulled her in closer.

"I've really fucking missed you."

He said breathless into her hair.

"Me too."

Is all she could say in his arms.

UH-OH. FUCK. The flutters are back. All that man had to do was touch her, and the feelings came rushing back all at once. She had just hoped that he hadn't noticed the blush on her cheeks.

She immediately withdrew, and placed her hands on his chest to regain her breath.

"Ben, think you can help me with the bags. I'm in Josh's Porsche and I have no idea how to pop the boot."

Simon, Benedict, Phillip and Colin immediately rushed to the door.

There in the driveway sat Josh's new Porsche Taycan. It was the sport model, whatever that meant but she had no idea what any of the gadgets meant. She saw each boy lose their head. Simon was stuttering, Benedict was drooling and well Colin looked annoyed.

"Josh gave it to me for the week. I'm sure I can take you all for a spin."

Simon and Bendict immediately turned around and nodded like puppy dogs.

She chucked them the keys and laughed.

"Get my bags then, once you're all done taking pictures in it."

She stood at the doorway and watched them like kids on Christmas. Daphne came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist, as Eloise joined them and passed out the Margaritas.

"Marina's away fixing her face."

Daphne said quietly.

Francesca let out a giggle from behind them,

"Nothing's changing that face."

Eloise turned and tried to remain scowling at her younger sister, but she couldn't help but feel proud.

Francesca hadn't turned 21 yet, so Penelope had to make sure she would be able to get into places without hassle, so she meticulously planned places where she knew it was guaranteed she could get by the door. LA was quite relaxed if you knew people, but she knew that they wouldn't serve her alcohol even if they allowed her in. It made is easier that Francesca didn't drink and looked about 25 so there shouldn't be any issues.

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