Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

"Vish?" she whispered in dismay. Something powerful raced through her body, and her back jolted with energy. She heard his voice ringing, a faraway sound that seemed more like it was in her heart then her head.

"You did it, your baby brother doesn't have the virus. I was wrong, I'm so sorry."

She looked across at Tamashi and remembered what she said the first time they went in the sky. She had Vish on Earth protecting her and Tamashi in the sky, but now it was her job to protect them, to protect all of them.

With the evidence of her brother's survival, knowing that Sakuru was inside the mind of her newborn brother gave her the evidence she needed. If she had achieved that, she felt like she could achieve anything. 

 Tonya closed her eyes and spoke to herself. 

"I believe I can do this."

Feeling the power of self-belief surging through her body, she lifted her warm hands together and rubbed them to make a friction, projecting a tiny tornado inside her palms. Her powers were finally back. 

The powerful swirling wind came alive, twisting and turning angrily. She held her hands out wider and the tornado grew with her outstretched arms. With one last look at the thread that could take her home, she turned her back to it. She jumped inside the tornado and it lifted her up in the sky, away from Salvo and his icicle knife.

From the corner of her eye she saw Salvo as he launched himself into the tornado, closely followed by Tamashi, Rupa and Zarni. It took all their weight, whipping all five of them up through the sky. The wind was strong and Salvo dropped his knife as his body was pushed backwards against the inside of the tornado's swirling winds.

"I'm coming for you, Septem!" he shouted.

As the tornado sped up towards the Kármán line they all jumped out, attaching their harnesses to the final hooks of the atmosphere before pushing themselves up into the cosmic realms of space, each racing for the Harp.

Tonya saw Salvo as he lunged himself at her, narrowly missing her as she raced ahead of him. Salvo and Tonya were too fast for the others, leaving them far behind as they surged through space.

Tonya heard Salvo's voice coming up behind her "Just you and me now!"

Tonya – still ahead of Salvo – soared up through the darkness, letting her long rope unwind as she travelled towards the Harp. She could see it, suspended inside the silky black airless void of space. As promised, the seventh string was open.


Vish was pushed up against the door by Tyler when Birdie ran into the flat and saw them fighting.

"Stop it, stop fighting. Whatever's going on, we need to get help for Tonya NOW. Someone call an ambulance, for god's sake."

Tyler let Vish go and left the flat.

"I'm going back to Ruby and the baby. You sort that nut job." He spat.

Birdie took hold of Tonya's hand and Vish hurried to the other side of the bed, fishing his mobile from his pocked he called the ambulance. When he hung up he looked at Birdie trying to calm Tonya.

"Sweetheart, it's Nan. I tried calling but you didn't pick up so I came to the flat, Listen, if you can hear me, it's okay, I'm here now. Vish is calling an ambulance. You're having some sort of fit, but it's okay, its okay, darlin', I'm here now. There there." 

She pressed her hand on her forehead gently. 

"Oh my god, she's absolutely boiling." She looked at Vish. "Wet a towel in the bathroom. We need to bring her temperature down."

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