The night Kasey disappeared

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Kendall: "Mom what the hell are you doing?! You were already a shitty person back then are you seriously going to work with a man who wants to kill all of us you included!"

Kendra: "Of course to a certain goal he reached out to me and said he'd spare me and you if I helped him."

Mr. Grace: "You didn't seriously believe me did you, after what you did?" He shot her in the head.

Kendall: "Noooo!!! Mom!!!!!" (She started sobbing)

Keelan: "Dad what the hell stop this."

Mr. Grace: "Ah Keelan now that we're here I can finally tell you I'm not your dad."

Keelan and KG: "What?!"

Mr. Grace: "Let me explain then afterwards Michael will also explain."

KG: "What do you mean?"

Mr. Grace: "He's the only one with your mother's whereabouts."

KG: "What?"

Mr. Grace: "let me explain. So you've all learned the truth about the prom night of hell and the story of the boy in the devil mask who was bullied and outcast from his classmates!"

Max: "Let me guess that was you?"

Mr. Grace: "Oh no it wasn't he was my kid brother, I was already a graduate my brother would come home every day telling me how he was bullied. Then prom week came he told me how Kendra rejected him and humiliated him and then Sandra cowardly did the same it pissed me off so badly."

KG: "But mom was nice to him."

Mr. Grace: "Ah Kasey my brother was finally happy after meeting her I saw him smile for the first time in a while but then Prom night everything changed he came home smelling like poop and told me how Kasey stood him up and set him up. Which led to my brother going to kill himself at a lake. "

Mr. Grace: "So i butchered everyone at the dance and I hated Kasey the most for pretending to be nice he even told me he got her pregnant with you in fact Keelan."

Keelan: "So you're my uncle what the fuck?!"

KG: "But mom was ambushed she had every intention on going to prom with him!"

Mr. Grace: "Yes which I learned after the night she disappeared. You see at first after I failed at killing her at prom I vowed to do her her how she did my brother I was going to get her to love me and then kill her later KG you were just the mistake that came from it."

KG eyes watered: "Mistake?"

Mr. Grace: "But she eventually found my picture and a the year before hers yearbook and realized who I was so I attacked her but she got away in the car so I went after her and when I found the car she was gone it was crashed. Which brings me to Michael cause I saw she called you multiple times that night now talk!"

Michael: "Kasey grew suspicious of you and needed to talk to someone who knew about that night so she tried to reach my dad a few days earlier but my dad had been drinking a lot so he was no help fortunately in one of his drunk days he told me about that night. So I convinced her I could help."

Micheal: "But she told me I couldn't be with KG and get involved which was I dumped you Grace. Then that night she was blowing my phone up I finally answered one and she told me to hide her so I told her crash her car at that specific site and I'll handle the rest and so she did."

Michael: "I got her out of state and then she gave me one more task she said to look after KG and her friends cause she figured you come for them, she said do whatever is necessary so i did I said I'll protect them at all cost sorry Kaylee."

KG: "Why didn't you just tell me we could've helped you Michael!"

Max: Or at least me your brother."

Michael: "the more people who knew the more dangerous it would be for Grace mom."

Mr. Grace: "Enough! Michael where is she he pointed the gun at Max."

Michael: "She's living in the basement of the high school." (He lowered his head)

Mr. Grace: "Thank you I'll be going now I need a head start so no one move or I'll shoot you now KG you're coming with me."

He grabbed KG took her all the way out to the car and drove off with her towards the high school.

Kaylee ran over and untied Michael and Max.

Micheal: "Kaylee I- I'm sorry."

Kaylee: "Don't worry about it right now we'll talk about it after this over with. Kendall we need you."

Kendall sat next to her mom body in silence not responding.

Kaylee: "Okay look I'll text Camila to come get us you all go up and wait on her I'll stay with Kendall."

KG and her dad arrived at the high school where the doors were already opened.

They walked in all the lights were out.

Mr. Grace: "I'm not going to chase you Kasey I have our daughter and I'll kill her right now if you don't come out!"

Just then they heard footsteps walking up they turned around and saw Kasey.

KG: "Mom?"

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