Prom night of hell part 2

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Kasey sat in her room unaware of everything going on at prom. She was trying to think of ways to get out since jocks kept her in 2 outside and 2 inside.

Then she heard glass shatter downstairs followed by more ruckus. She waited until it was over she crept down the stairs when she reached the bottom she saw a blood trail leading to the kitchen.

So she went to the kitchen and found the 2 jocks dead on the kitchen floor. She screamed and ran outside just to find the other 2 jocks dead outside. Kasey head began to spin thinking she was next.

She wanted to get around more people so she got in her car and drove to prom in her sweatpants and tennis shoes. When she arrived the doors were wide open and it was silent no music no lights no nothing.

She went inside and from the beginning of the school she already started seeing bodies of faculty members and students. She ran to the gym where the dance was at she burst in just to find nothing but bloody dead bodies.

She silently began to cry she looked up and saw boy in a devil mask the same the boy wore everyday. The killer was holding an assault rifle, they turned and looked at Kasey. She started running down the hall full sprint as the killer walked after her.

Every door she tried was locked until she was pulled into the girls locker room there was Sandra,Kendra and Thomas hiding shaking in fear.

Kasey: "Who the hell is that."(she whispered)

Thomas: "That psycho boy you were messing around with."

Kasey: "What?"

Kendra: "Look just know we did something now he's taking it out on everyone."

They heard the killer footsteps enter the locker room. They hearts began to race in fear and terror not knowing if today is there last day breathing. The killer grabbed Sandra off the ground and banged her face on the sink.

Everyone got up and screamed, the killer put the gun down and pulled out a kitchen knife.

Thomas ran up and tackled him up against the wall the killer fought him off and stabbed him in the stomach. Then he banged Kasey head up against the wall and started walking towards Kendra. Kasey got back up and hopped on his back.

He knocked Kasey off then picked her up by the throat and put her against the wall. Just then the principal came over the intercom.

Principal: "The police are coming you'll be surrounded in 2 minutes so leave now wherever you are."

The killer looked Kasey in the eyes squinted angrily and then ran off. The city was shaking up from this horrible tragedy and gruesome slaughter. More insane the boy Kasey had gotten to like was never heard or seen from again so no one knows if that was him under that mask or not.

After that night the only survivors Sandra,Kendra ,Thomas, the principal and Kasey all decided they would never speak of this night again and they did just that this night remembered as the prom night of hell was never spoken of again and the killer was never caught and the boy Kasey grew to like was never heard from again.

Present day.......

Savanna: "Oh my god how could you, you're the reason all those people died you, Kendall mom and Mr.Rivera."

Mrs. Collins: "Honey we didn't know that was going happen."

Savanna: "I have to KG all of this."

Her mom put a towel over face to knock her out.

Mrs. Collins: "Sorry I can't let you do that it's too late for her now."

Back at the school Kendall and Kaylee finished their conversation with the principal and headed out they made sure they texted KG the whole story. They kept trying Savanna but no answer.

Kaylee: "What do you think is happening."

Kendall: "I don't know but we need to get over there and find her."

Meanwhile again the storage unit KG was now all caught up.

KG: "We need to leave and find dad."

Keelan: "Wait there's one thing I don't understand still."

KG: "What is it?"

Keelan: "If mom, Kendra and Sandra and the Riveras dad was involved in this prom night of hell then why isn't Kendall mom face on here or crossed out."

KG: "Your right actually we need more answers and if dad went to school mom like he said why does it seem like he got nothing do with this at the same time?"

Keelan: "Let's go."

Meanwhile at the toys r us basement Michael and Max face was all beat up.

Mr. Grace: "I'm tired of playing games Michael where is Kasey?!"

Just then he got a phone call.

Mr. Grace: "What is it? KG knows I'm here? Good  make sure Sandra gives you Savanna."

Michael: "Who was that?!"

Mr. Grace: "Don't worry all will be revealed when the girls arrive."

Max: "You leave KG alone and her friends. She's your daughter after all you asshole!"

Mr. Grace: "A daughter of plot more like."

Max: "What?"

Just then KG,Keelan,Savanna,Kendall and Kaylee came in and a woman in a devil mask was pointing a gun at them.

Mr. Grace: "Now that everyone is here shall we began?"

KG: "Dad why are you doing this and who is this woman?!"

Mr. Grace: "You can remove your mask now."

The woman took her mask off and her black dropped to her shoulders.

Kendall: "Mom?!"

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