Prom night of hell

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Principal Hale: "Senior year back then the first half was just fine but the week prom rolled around everything changed."

Savanna: "Why."

Mrs. Collins: "No one really knows but I'll give you my point of view. Prom was Friday night but hell began that Monday.".......


The teacher: "Alright kids don't forget prom is this Friday so make sure you have everything ready."

Later that day at lunch....

Kendra(Kendall mom): "Alright ladies make sure you show up with a date cause I won't allow my friends to embarrass me by not having anyone when everyone expects us to."

Kasey(KG mom): "Only because you made us the "IT" group of the school Kendra.")she laughed.

Sandra(Savanna mom): "Hey look it's that kid who always wears that devil mask with a red face and horns on it."

Kendra: "What could he want?"

The boy walked over with a poster that read "Kendra would you be my angel and go to prom with me?"

Kendra laughed and said "you can't be serious."

The cafeteria began to laugh at the boy. The boy ripped the poster and ran off right past principal hale.

Kendall: "No my mom would've never done that to someone."

Principal Hale: "I'm afraid she would."

Savanna: "Why you didn't tell her that was wrong?'"

Mrs. Collins: "I was scared Kendra was like the most popular girl in school all the boys wanted her and all the girls feared her. Like mother like daughter I suppose."

Savanna: "No Kendall is the most popular girl yes but she has a heart and she cares for others."

Mrs. Collins: "Let me get back to the story."


Kendra went to her locker and the word which was wrote on it in blood. She screamed and instantly said the boy in the mask did it. So a few guys Kendra was friends with took the boy in the bathroom and beat him up one of the guys was Thomas Rivera(Michael and Max dad) the star jock.

Thomas had the other guys put the boy head in the toilet and held it there for 30 seconds the boy almost drowned. Then they all walked out laughing with Kendra.

Sandra walked in afterwards and cleaned the boy off and treated his wounds she even sat and talked to him for a while even the boy didn't talk back.


That Wednesday in class while everyone was talking the boy came in with another prom poster but this time it was for Sandra it said "You treated my wounds now will you treat me to prom"

Sandra smiled and stood up out of her seat but Kendra grabbed her shoulder and sat her back down.

Kendra: "Don't you dare Sandra."

Sandra: "I'm flattered you want to take me to prom but my answer is no."

Thomas: "Yea freak now get the hell out of here."

Thomas threw a book at the boy head. The boy ripped the poster and ran out the principal was walking past as the boy ran out of the class the principal looked confused and kept walking.

Kasey frowned up.

Kasey: "What the hell is wrong with all of you that's not nice."

Kendra: "Come on he'll be fine right Thomas."

Thomas: "Yea the little dork is alright. Hey Kendra come to prom with me."

Kendra: "Sure of course."

Later after school Kasey saw the boy sitting alone so she walked over to him.

Kasey: "Hey sorry for that back there let me make it up to you follow me and don't worry it'll be just us."

The boy followed her to her car and they drove off. They went to imos to share a pizza.

Kasey: "Alright eat up it's really good personally I like imos."

The boy lifted his mask slightly to eat the pizza after every slice he'd raise his mask up a little again to show his smile as he rubbed his belly signaling that he really liked the pizza.

Kasey: "See it's really good isn't it surprised you never had it before specially since it's a Saint Louis only pizza."

The boy shook his head and quietly said "don't get out much."

Kasey: "See I knew there was gentle voice under that mask."

Later on she dropped the boy off and left.


School was cancelled to get ready for prom Friday so Kasey decided to hang with the boy again. She picked him up and they went to her house. They watched a horror movie together.

Kasey:" you know you'd see better if you took the mask off."

They boy finally took his mask off and to Kasey surprise he was handsome truthfully she didn't expect it.

Kasey: "Wow you're really cute, sorry just I didn't know what to expect."

The boy had a scar across his eye, he had black shaggy hair, a "X" on the side of his face and was about 6'0 tall.

The boy: "I don't like showing my face my parents say people will hate to look at me."

Kasey: "Well I think you're gorgeous."

They began to go under the covers.

Friday prom night-

Early that day Kasey was getting ready when she heard a knock on the door. She went to answer it and it was Kendra.

Kendra: "So I hear you're taking that freak to prom."

Kasey: "I told Sandra that in private but yes I am so what."

Kendra: "You know I can't allow that right."

Kasey: "Allow? What exactly are you going to do."

Just then two jocks walked up to the door and burst in Kasey house.

Kendra: "Make sure she doesn't leave until prom is over me and Thomas got some for her date."

Later that night at prom the boy came all dressed up with his mask on and a black suit with a blue tie cause that was the color scheme he and Kasey agreed on. When he got there the spotlight instantly turned on him.

Thomas had the mic.

Thomas: "Hey everyone it's the freak of the school I hope you ain't get all dressed up for Kasey she told everyone she was planning on standing you up."

The boy: "That's a lie." (He said softly)

Kendra took the mi

Kendra: "He speaks, well trust me Kasey told me she played with your mind to get you here so she can leave you with this."

Just then a bucket of poop fell on the boy and he was covered in it. The boy threw his mask off with rage in his eyes but in the end he ran off.

To be continued-

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