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Harry woke up to a black dog jumping on his chest.
"Merrry Christmas dad," he said, still half asleep.
"Padfoot, padfoot, Merlin Sirius, where are you?" Remus hissed, sprinting into the room.
"Merry Christmas pop!" Harry shouted him groggily.
"Crap. Merry Christmas Harry! Sirius was meant to be leaving you to sleep."
The dog whined and jumped of the bed, going to his fiancé, licking his hand.
"Eww, babe, that's disgusting," the werewolf complained lightly, wiping his hand on his pajama trousers. Sirius jumped up onto his hind legs, landing on Remus' chest. The man scratched behind the dog's ears, who barked in delight.
"What time is it?" Harry asked, rubbing his eyes.
"That's a sensible time, I'll give him that."
Sirius bounded back to Harry, jumping on him and licking his face.
"Eww, Dad! Gross!" Harry exclaimed, pushing his dad off of him. Once the dog was off the bed, he turned back into a human.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS HARRY!" Sirius exclaimed, engulfing his son in his arms, "eww. You're all covered in dog slobber."
"Hmm. I wonder why," Harry replied sarcastically, before continuing with, "I'm gonna go shower."
"Come down for breakfast after. James is making smoked salmon on bagels. I assume you don't want the scrambled eggs," Remus told him, taking Sirius' hand to walk him away.
"I would rather chew off my own foot."
"With that wonderful imagery, we will be going," Sirius said, letting Remus lead him.

"Hey, kid," James greeted his son, rufflinh his hair after placing the breakfast on the table, "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, pa," Harry replied, sitting down next to his uncle.
"Joyeux noël, Haz," Regulus said, pouring him a glass of orange juice."
"Joyeux Noël, Oncle Reg."
"Avez-vous bien dormi?" (Did you sleep well?)
"Oui, mais papa m'a réveillé en sautant sur moi. Il m'a aussi léché." (Yes, but dad woke me up by jumping on me. He also licked me.)
"Remus essaya de l'en empêcher." (Remus tried to stop him from doing that.)
"Pa, do we have any coffee?"
"Between your pop and your uncle, we have enough tea and coffee to serve a small nation. Black americano?" James replied, checking the coffee order.
"And sugar?" Harry asked, knowing he woukd be unlikely for his pa to say yes.
"Two teaspooons. And only because its Christmas."
He already had four mugs set out, one with espresso, two with tea and one with hot chocolate. He got out a fifth mug, covered with the constellations. Funnily enough, Harry had got it for Regulus last year for Christmas. Once the kettle finished boiling, and the scrambled eggs finished cooking, he called to his best friends, "HEY, MOONY! PADFOOT! BREAKFAST!"

A black dog raced into the room, chased by Remus.
"Dammit Sirius," he said sitting down.
"What idiotic thing was my brother doing this time?" Regulus asked, helping himself to scrambled eggs as his boyfriend sat next to him, kissing the younger Black's cheek.
"Smelling the presents under the tree," Remus told him, shaking his head lovingly whilst looking at his boyfriend. Sirius jumped onto the chair, still in his dog form, and licked his boyfriend's cheek. Remus gives him a look, and Sirius grins. He got a scratch behind the ears from his fiancé, who told him to turn back if he wanted to join the family for Christmas breakfast. Immediately, there is a human where the dog used to be.
"Tu es un idiot," Regulus told him, and he flipped him off.
"Sirius!" Remus hissed, lightly hitting him.
"Anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Sirius exclaimed.
"Merry Christmas, love," Remus replied, smiling.
"Are we going to eat, or am I going to have to puke?" Harry asked, breaking up his family's conversations.
"Tuck in, kid," James told him, and he immediately started eating.
"Merlin, anyone would think we were starving you," James joked, sipping his tea.
"I'm hungry."

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