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Harry wakes up to a large black dog jumping on his chest. It licks his cheek, making Harry laugh. "Really babe? Leave him alone," Remus tells him. Sirius leaps off and turns back to human form.
"Happy Birthday, Harry!" Him, Remus and James shout.
"How does it feel to be eleven, kiddo?" His biological father asks, ruffling his hair.
"Same as I did yesterday, pa."
"You're no fun before coffee."
"Give me twenty minutes to shower. Then I'll come down."
"Reg's making breakfast, and after that you can open presents. Pancakes, right?"
"See you down there, kid," Remus tells him, giving him a quick side hug. Sirius salutes him on the way out. His son rolls his eyes, but salutes back.
Fifteen minutes later, Harry's downstairs with wet hair, a Guns N' Roses t-shirt and black ripped jeans.
"God you take after Sirius," Remus tells him.
"Is that such a bad thing?" His fiancé asks, kissing him.
"Eww guys, children here," Harry calls, sipping a sugary black coffee.
"At least you didn't have to share a dorm with them. From fourth to halfway through sixth year it was painful yearning for everyone involved. Then when they finally got together-"
"Okay, I think that's enough," Remus interrupts.
"I get the feeling I do not want to hear the rest of that story."
"Trust me. You don't," Regulus tells him, flipping a pancake.
"Oh please, how bad could we possibly have been?" Sirius asks.
"Very," everybody replies. Regulus puts the pancakes on the table and tells everybody to dig in.
"How many are there each?" Harry asks.
"Two and a quarter, except the birthday boy, who gets three."
"Thank you, Uncle Reg!"
"No problem kid."
"What are you having on the first one?" Remus asks the eleven year old.
"Classic lemon and sugar."
"Good choice," Sirius tells him, squirting lemon juice on his owm pancake, whilst lovingly watching his fiancé spread Nutella.

"Alright, kiddo, presents!" James declares, leading them to the living room.
"Anyone would think you're more excited than me."
The man just laughs and ruffles his hair. Harry picks up a wrapped parcel and opens it.
"No way! A rubik's cube! I've been wanting one of these for ages!"
"Happy Birthday, Haz," Regulus says as the boy hugs him.
"Thank you!"
"Open these two next," Sirius tells him, handing him more parcels. Harry opens the first one to see a Sony Walkman and headphones. Now being fairly confident on what the second gift contains, he opens Queen's Greatest Hits on cassette tape.
"A little something for you to listen to at Hogwarts. Don't worry, we spoke to Minerva and it will work. And you've got so many tapes, we wanted to give you a classic."
"Yes! Thank you!"
After various other presents, both muggle and wizard in nature, given go him by his parents, Uncle Regulus and Minerva McGonagal (a woman who was like a grandmother to him), there was one left.
"This is from all of us," Remus tells him. He opens the packaging to see a black box. Inside is a ring on a leather necklace. The boy recognises the crest immediately.
"Really?!?" He asks, looking up at his fathers.
"Yes really."
"You are now officially, legally, our son and the heir of Black," Sirius tells him.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Harry exclaims, hugging Sirius and Remus.
"You're welcome, pup, you're welcome."
James smiles at his son, despite the slight feeling of guilt for forcing his child away in such a way that he now has better parents, leaning back into his boyfriend. Regulus hugs him, having a fairly good idea how he feels.

"Faolan is coming over in ten, just reminding everyone," Harry tells his family.
"Just checking that they're coming with us for lunch?" Remus asks him.
"Bloody coloured cube. Why can't you just fu-" Sirius shouts at the rubik's cube in his hand before Remus interrupts him.
"SIRIUS! There's a child."
"I know, I'm sorry love. I don't think Reggie's young ears should be hearing that sort of language."
"I'm standing right fucking here," Regulus says, "sorry Remus."
"Our child Siri, the eleven year old. And don't think your off the hook Regulus Arcturus."
"And who taught Harry is first swear word? Because it wasn't me, or James," Sirius reminds him.
"Okay, I was stressed and I didn't think babies could understand language."
"Pop, trust me. I play cricket with older kids. I hear worse. And dad, do you want me to solve it?"
"No. I can do this."
"Alright then."
When the doorbell rings, Harry sprints to get it.
"Happy Birthday, spéaclaí."
"Hi Fway."
"You're finally eleven. Took you long enough."
"Just because your a January birthday."
"Harry, don't let your guest stand outside. Let them in!" James calls from upstairs.
"I was just going to!" He yells back, before saying in an overly british accent, "please do come in."
"It would be my pleasure," Faolan responds, copying the accent. They walk in and nod, before the two burst out laughing. They both hear angry noises coming from upstairs.
"I got a rubik's cube for my birthday and Dad can't solve it," Harry explains, "come on. I don't think you want to wait down here all day."
Faolan takes their shoes off and follows Harry upstairs. Walking past the living room, the friends see Sirius standing on a sofa, wand out and pointing at the puzzle cube, with his fiancé trying to reason with him.
"I think my dad got frustrated," Harry whispers to the eleven year old next to him, who laughs.
"Nice to see you, Faolan," Remus calls from where he's standing.
"Hi Remus," they respond.
"Come on, Byrne. Let's go to my room," Harry says, pulling their arm. The two start moving.
"I'm coming, I'm coming. Gee, Potter, patience is a virtue."
"I don't know how accurate calling me Potter as my last name is going to be."
"No way!"
"Finally! It's been, what, eight years you've lived with them."
"Give or take."
"Well, Oidhre Black, what shall we do?"
"What do you want to do?"
"Oh, before I forget, here's a birthday present."
Harry opens the packaging and holds up a mirror.
"It's a two way mirror. We can use them at Hogwarts to communicate."
"Speaking of Hogwarts, when are you doing school shopping?"
"I have no idea. I'm not even sure my parents will take me. They'll probably just hire someone to do it for me."
"You could come with us?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I mean, I might have to ask my parents, but at this point your basically a part of the family. Actually, you're quite literally part of our pack."
"Thank you."
"Kids! We're leaving for lunch!" James calls from downstairs.
"Coming!" They both reply, running downstairs.

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