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The family apperate to Diagon Alley.
"We've got five minutes to get to Madame Malkins," James says, looking at his watch. The six walk to the shop and get there on time. Sirius rings the bell and a young witch appears.
"Hello. I'm Sara, Madame Malkin's assistant, how can I help you?" She asks.
"We're here for an appointment under the name Black," Sirius tells her.
"Two children for school robes?"
"They can come right this way. Here's a buzzer that will tell you when your children are done. It should take about half an hour to forty five minutes. You can either wait here or do some shopping in the Alley."
"Thank you," Remus says to her, before turning to the two eleven year olds playing rock, paper, scissors, "do you two mind if we leave?"
"I don't mind. Faolan?"
"I don't mind either."
"We'll see you when you're done, then."
"We'll see you then," Harry replies, "you better come back though."
"Crap, he caught onto our plan," Sirius jokes, ruffling his son's hair, "have fun, pup."
"Alright kids, follow me," Sara says to the two children. They follow her to the backroom. She opens the door and they see an older woman with a blond boy.
"Ow, you're stabbing me," he complains.
"Shit," Faolan mutters.
"You know that betrothed I told you about?"
"That's him."
"Do you not like him or something?"
"No, he's fine, I guess. Seems nice enough. A little pampered."
"Then what's the problem?"
"You know when you meet that child of a family friend that you don't really know but are too familiar with to ignore."
"No, but carry on."
"I just don't like awkward small talk."
"Aah, these two must be the next appointment. Sara, set them up and I'll be over soon."
"Oidhre Byrne," Draco acknowledges from across the room.
"Heir Malfoy."
"Who's your friend?"
"Draco, meet Harry. Harry, meet Draco Malfoy."
"What's your blood status?"
"It's complicated. My biological mother was a muggleborn, my father is a pureblood, my other father is a disowned pureblood but not legally and my other other father is a half-blood werewolf."
Draco just raises an eyebrow, which makes Faolan scoff.
"What?" Draco asks.
"You're a result of years of incest and your judging?"
"Keeps the bloodline pure."
"So, we're allowed to marry our cousins but not muggleborns or muggles? I'm confused, are you confused?" They ask Harry, "coz this ain't adding up."
Harry laughs, "you sound like my dad."
"I like your dad."
"Who is your dad?" Draco asks.
"Sirius Black. Although biologically it's James Potter, but I call him pa. And then there's my pop, Remus Lupin."
"The Potters only have one child. Jason, the boy who lived."
"I guess everyone forgot. Not surprising. Dumbledick probably didn't advertise. And I'm not Lily's son. I'm James'. I'm not one of the Potters. My surname is technically Lupin-Black."
"The name's Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. I think I'm starting to like you. "
"I know who you are. Your mother's my dad's cousin. He speaks fondly of her."
"Same with yours."
"You getting Hogwarts robes?"
"You should be less judgemental kid," Madame Malkin tells the blond, "and you are all done. I'll get you back up front and we'll see your parents."
"Yes. Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"I'll see you two in September. Well, I'll see you at the ball, Li-"
"I'm sorry, but...ummm, I go by Faolan." They tell him.
"Really? Since when?"
"A few months ago. My parents don't know, but, I'd rather you call me Faolan."
"Fine. I'll see you at the ball, L- Faolan."
"Thanks. And um, what ball would that be?"
"The summer ball? Before we go to school."
"Fuck. When is that again?"
"August 15th."
"Great. I'll keep that in mind."
"See you then. It was nice to meet you. Harry."
"Nice to meet you, too," Harry tells him.

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