Before we start

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so if you had seen the first version of the intro thing, congrats!

if not, it because i needed to change up this intro thing alot

first of all, no longer fluffy trauma free, that shit is too hard

second of all, be known that most chapters are in first draft if the title is like this:

Chapter # - Character POV

It's in second or maybe final if its like this:

Character POV - Chapter Name

I WILL UNPUBLISH SOME CHAPTERS as we go and REPUBLISH THEM in their second or finalized form, keeping the same plot but adding details that relate to main plot and make sense

because i really do come up with stuff and important plot line along the way, long before the first chapter

feel free at any point to make suggestion and give feedback, all is welcomed!

anywho enjoy

Ghost Friends (First Draft - In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now