- better off at sea -

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So uh, super unexpected and random one-shot! I'm alive, just working my ass off in school and w my job. New chapter b4 the end of the month on my other book promise! ! This is not a well formulated one-shot, just something I wrote high at 3am. Enjoy!

America and Russia are dating in this one, they just got out of highschool, and they have wedding plans.

Britain and Canada are still unsure of their relationship, but Canada convinces Britain that America knows what will make him happy.

Russia decides to join the military (UN military training), and America supports his decision. They fornicate and share a night of passion, and strawberries.

America watches as Russia leaves for deployment, crying and kissing him softly. He is sad, but smiles as he knows this is what Russia wants.

America lives with Canada for a while, not used to being alone, and sets up a coffee meet up with Japan and South Korea.

Japan asks America about his relationship status, and America says he is taken by the guy of his dreams. South Korea teases America for being so corny.

Russia meets a friend during training, they go by the name of Germany. Germany is limited and has a bloodline of anger issues and prominent political figures, which he respects.

Germany shares with Russia that he wants to be the one to do something good for his name, to make a difference. Russia admires it slightly, find it respectable and attractive.

America writes sonnets and poems about Russia to keep him fresh in his mind, to remember him pure. He writes one everyday day and numbers them, decides to give one to Russia like an advent calendar when he gets back.

Germany and Russia grow close, chatting it up. Germany asks Russia about his relationship status, Russia swerves the question and asks Germany about his. Germany swerves the question.

America is ranting about how much he misses Russia to Canada and though he is listening, he gets a bad feeling in his stomach. Maybe Britain was right.

Russia can't stop thinking about how Germany would react when he finally showed him all the places he grew up in his home town, like they had been talking about. Russia sleeps soundly that night.

America is on the verge of tears as he dials Russia's sister, Belarus. They talk about him, how much they miss him and how they wonder what he is doing.

Russia is informed of their soon graduation from this whole thing. He and Germany eagerly chat about it. Only a week more.

America reaches out to an old friend, China. Though they didn't like each other back then, they were mature enough to talk over coffee, and actually get along. America mentions Russia and his training. China seems taken aback, and a pit forms in his stomach.

The day of graduation, America gets nicely dressed and brings Russia his had and a chamomile flower. When it's Russias turn, he is the loudest one cheering.

After they are finally released, America drowns Russia in a hug, kissing him and handing him his gifts. Germany comes over to say hello, a guy named Italy, hugging his arm.

Russia sees this and feels slightly upset, trying to shrug off the feeling. Russia puts his hat on and Germany jokes with him, messing with the flaps. Italy seems jealous. America reassures him that it's alright.

America brings Russia to his siblings and they have a reunion, planning a dinner and what not. America is happily by his side.

Russia goes out drinking with Germany the day of the dinner. America gets a bad feeling. Russia wouldn't ever push off a dinner like this, unless it was important. America informs Russia's disappointed family.

America starts leaving the little letters around, despite feeling so small by being constantly dismissed and ignored. He tried to talk to Russia about it and he got defensive.

America goes to see China and rants. China listens and nods, patting his hand and going for a walk. At the park, America sees Russia talking to Germany, chasing his around and hugging him. It breaks his heart.

China comforts him and what not, taking him home. America tells Canada and he suggests talking to him about it again, with a moderator.

Russia suggests Germany as the moderator, and America breaks down. He never treated him the way he did Germany and it was killing him. Russia gets up and gives him space, he text Germany about the situation.

America calls Italy, and Italy tearfully says that Germany broke up with him. America is shocked and feels for his friend who is in a bad position. He comforts him and brings him food.

Canada tells America to focus on himself, and to figure out his mess. America agrees and goes to talk to Russia again, who reluctantly admits he had slept with Germany at one point.

America sobs. He is heartbroken. He goes into his room and cries over the letters, handing them to Russia in order and telling him to leave. "You are not my Russia. He is my Russia. My Russia is on those papers, written out like a song. You are no song to me."

Russia goes to the living room and reads the letters, guilt and self-reflection getting to him. He calls Germany to pick him up after delicately putting them in a binder.

America dials his emergency contact and it's China. China picks him up and takes him for ice-cream and listens as he whispered his plan to propose and get married. China rubs his back and lets him cry into his shoulder in the almost empty ice-cream parlor.

Russia tells Germany and he kisses his knuckles, explaining how it was a mistake but he could fix it and still be his friend. Russia decides to try.

America agrees to meet with Russia after a text, and Russia reveals he had lost feelings over his training. The same time America missed him the most. America tearfully says he understands, but wishes he hadn't played him on.

America packs his stuff and calls Canada and tells him everything. Canada offers him a place to stay, but America says he already has a place. Then China's car pulls up.


America sits. He was invited to Russia and Germany's wedding, maintaining a good friendship with both of them. He sits. He sits and sees Russia, so astonishing. And Germany, just as dazzling. His heart breaks all over again. China reaches over and strokes his hand. America gives his a little squeeze. Let them be happy, let Russia go. It was hard. He still hasn't fully done it. And it hurt as he felt his love claw at his heart, begging to stay as his mind pried it off. It flew into the sky, up to the clouds.

When Germany threw his bouquet, America caught it due to reflexes. He looked up at Germany who clapped. Russia who did the same. He looked over to China, who grabbed his hand. He smiled. The flowers were chamomile.


I was thinking about doing a part 2, either alternate ending or china & America wedding w regretful & unhappy marriage/divorced Russ, idk yet

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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