- Bouncy -

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     Fluff!! also the vid is Ames playlist!!


Canada laughed as America bounced around the living room. He looked to the time, and realized that he would be late to the meeting if he didn't hurry. Canada looked up at America, who was in his casual wear, singing and rapping to a song playing on his headphones. "America.. We gotta go!" Canada said, getting up and grabbing his house keys. He planned to walk, and hopefully his brother would get his wiggles out of system before they got to the UNIC. 

     America nodded at Canada and skipped to the door, in a fairly good mood. He offered Canada one of his earbuds and Canada took it. He slowly started to bob his head to the beat and got into a dancing mood. The two brothers raced to the UNIC, getting there maybe ten minutes early. They let themselves in, America had the key, and slid down the halls and into the designated meeting room. The two looked around, and there was no one there yet, not even UN. America smirked and hopped onto the large, round, oval-donut shaped table. He unplugged his earbuds and put the music blasting out loud. He pulled up Canada with him and spun him around, laughing. Canada started to dance with America, twirling him around and swaying his feet.

     The two were having so much fun, that they didn't notice the small crowd of countries they started to amass. UN still hadn't arrived, and only did they notice the others when Switzerland clapped and laughed. America saw Germany, smiling at him and slightly nodding his head. The two had been very close, even living with each other at one point, so America waltzed over and pulled him up onto the table as well. Canada laughed and held out his hand for Kazakhstan to take. Soon, they even managed to get Cuba on the table, spinning around. America was having so much fun, he bumped into Russia and almost fell off the table.

     Mother Russian instincts took over and Russia caught him and pulled him close. America steadied himself, and took a breath, and let go of Russia. He smiled a dopey smile at him and held his hand out, as if he hadn't just almost fell off. Russia rolled his eyes and wasn't going to take his hand, but someone bumped him from behind and made him stumble, so he reached out and took the Americans hand accidentally. America smirked and spun him around, and the two got into a dance. Russia let a smile slip, and his ballet skills kicked in. America was pleasantly surprised with the skill and gracefulness of his new dance partner. He himself moved much more rigged, but he could glide just as smooth as the Russian.

     Some of the other nations stopped to watch them, the pair gliding around perfectly, like swans. A more pop-like song came on, and America wanted to change the style a bit. He started to incorporate his second-favorite style of dance, break-dancing. He popped his hips a bit more, and quicker, less "pretty" moves of dance were added on, and Russia quickly caught on. He slid his hands around Americas waist and made adjustments to his own style of movement. It wasn't long until they both looked so synced, it was amazing. Nobody had ever seen Russia do this type of dance, let alone dance at all, so much more people stopped to watch. 

     Everyone was so entranced that they didn't even notice UN walk in, and stop to watch the "enemies" dance in shock. America was being held up by Russia and spun around, with his hands in the air and his legs locked around the Russians waist. Russia set him down and a slower song came on. America snorted, and Russia scoffed, but they danced to this last song, slowly and gracefully, like a couple just absolutely in love. Russia even dipped America, being the lead in this last song. The song came to a close and some nations clapped, other stood there with their mouths agape, which broke the pair out of their trance. UN cleared their throat, and all of the nations scurried off the table and into their assorted regions and seats. 

     UN smirked and quickly put up his hand to cover it. He was supposed to be mad, but something had happened that hasn't happened since France and the UK had kids. two countries were now sealed together for life, whether they liked it or not. If they would tear each other apart or unite and be more powerful than ever was their choice, they were now bound until the fate that they would make for each other was carried out. One thing for sure, their bond of hatred or love was so strong, they were going to be apart of each others lived until the very last second.


UN bouta be the biggest RusAme shipper y'all ever witnessed. He just hope they don't murder each other before they learn to love each other, but baby-steps, we're getting there.

ANYWAY, ballet Russia, how we feeling??


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