Mr. Nunez's face turned serious "Oh hun...are you sure you would like to take such responsibility? It's a process and it takes a lot of patience." he informed her.

"Does that mean you don't think I would be suitable for his mother? I can be his mother...I think."

He was about to answer when a tall, petite, brunette with blue eyes and a gentle smile stood over them. "Hi Eddie" she beamed as he stood and planted a kiss on her rosy cheek. "I'm so sorry I'm late, I had a client last minute." he pulled her chair and she delicately took a seat.

Millie sat almost frozen in her chair, his surprise was a woman. Her dad was dating again and he was introducing his new object of affection to her. She didn't know what to feel, happiness, jealousy, concern or anger because he was barely telling her now. Then again he was her dad and he deserved happiness too, she was beautiful and seemed very polite.

"Earth to Millie..." her father waved his hand in her face "Honey..."

She snapped out of her thoughts "Oh I'm sorry dad..." she looked up, her cheeks blushing.

"Rachelle, this is my daughter Millicen...Millie for short. Millie this is Rachelle girlfriend." he half smiled, waiting for her response.

"Nice to meet you Rachelle..." she smiled as she took her menu. "I see you're the reason for my dad's smiling again and the late nights" she half smiled.

Rachelle blushed "I confess I am...I hope you don't mind. He looks so handsome when he smiles." Her laughter was soft and girly.

"Not at all, I actually think the same." Millie chuckled.

They ordered their food. Then they started a conversation, her father watched the interaction between the two women. He had to make sure that his daughter was ok with his choice of love interest, not that she really had a say. But Millie's opinion meant the world to him. He sighed with relief that they were smiling and accepting each other.

Howie opened the door of the passenger seat "Damn I'm glad you could come with me...I love this place. I just didn't want to come alone." He walked next to the long haired woman as they talked and laughed, walking into the restaurant.

"Welcome to Koi. I'm sorry if you can give me one second please." the hostess smiled warmly as Howie returned the gesture. The twosome stood near the wall of the patio out of the way of those departing.

"I just hope we don't wait forever. It's like nine already. did you find her? Or AJ?" she asked.

"Uh I found her, but she doesn't want to talk to me. As for that idiot we looked everywhere and nothing. We are due to go back next week." he sighed, just remembering the trip, frustrated him.

She patted his back "Don't get so frustrated, he's heartbroken and lonely. He'll come around and you guys will find him. As for Millie...don't give up. Dorough's never give up!" she smiled.

Mr. Nunez linked his arm to his daughter's and the other one to Rachelle. They walked out into the chilly night, the candle flames danced with the breeze. Rachelle stopped to take out a cigarette pack from her purse and stuck one in her mouth. "Sorry bad habit..." she lit the tip and took a puff.

Millie remembered her encounter with the nasty tobacco stick earlier that week. There was no way she would try one again. She stood to the side, watching her father interact with the new woman in his life. She was happy for him, that was her overall feeling. Watching them reminded her of Howie and her dumb decision to send him away. She sighed, sticking her fingers in the mini pond in front of her.

"Alright Mr. Dorough you can follow me." She led them down the patio.

He walked behind both women and suddenly came to a halt, he watched as her hair blew with the wind and knew who she was. He stood right behind her "Millie" and he spoke softly.

Millie tensed as she heard her name, then inched her way around to find herself face to face with Howie. She bashfully pulled a strand of hair behind her ear "Hi!" she spoke with a smile on her face. "Wow...this is a coincidence..." she giggled.

He smiled as he retraced every inch of her face, ignoring the temptation to run the side of his hand against her cheek. "Oh yeah...I know...I was..."

"Hey come on...what's the hold up?" a hand slipped over his arm and a chin rested on his shoulder. "I'm hungry" the voice whined.

Millie's face gloomed as she saw the beautiful woman close to Howie. "Oh I'm sorry...I didn't know...I have to go..." she began to walk away. Why had he said he would come back? When he was obviously with someone already. Maybe she was his back up plan. She didn't want to be angry, but she was. Her cheeks were burning, her heart was thudding excessively and she wanted to cry.

"Oh god Howie. I'm sorry, is that her?" she covered her mouth "Well go and get her moron. I'll wait for you inside, don't be mad if I'm stuffed by the time you get back." she chuckled.

He smiled, already walking away he turned "Thanks Polly! You're the best sister."

"Yeah...yeah..." she walked through the doors.

Millie paced outside, waiting for her father. She was mumbling things to herself and even though she had struggled to keep the stubborn tears from falling they had a mind of their own. She sniffled and wiped her cheeks.

"Are you alright?" she heard the familiar voice that made her dinner rise and fall in the pit of her stomach. He placed a hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it off.

Her back was still to him, but she spoke anyway "You said you would keep coming back, but you didn't...I waited. You..."

"Oh yeah I know. I'm sorry! It's just that, well I..." he began.

She spun around and interrupted him "It's only been a week and you already have someone else---"

"That is not what it looks like." he smiled, she was jealous and he was gloating, because it meant that she still felt something for him. "She's my---"

She put her hand up "I don't want to hear it. Please. I have to go." She walked away as fast as she could.

Howie stood a wide grin on his face, he'd explain during the week. He was still going to look for her at the hospital and he'd wait as long as he'd have to until she gave him a chance to let her know that the woman was. Pollyanna, his older sister.

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