The Guilt

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As they drove, Millie's phone began to ring, jumping at the sound. She looked at Howie with a concerned look on her face as she muttered "It's AJ". On the other hand Howie swallowed hard, he was hoping that AJ wouldn't just come out and ask her if he had said anything.

"Hello" Millie answered with a serious voice.

"Hey there, how is it going?" AJ asked.

"Oh we are good, finally got a rental and we are on our way to Arizona. How are you?" she giggled and cleared her throat as she gave Howie another guilty look.

"I'm great just waiting for you guys to get here...I can't wait to see." an awkward silence was heard on the line. "Uh is Howie around?"

"Me too...he is and...see you soon." she handed over the phone as Howie parked in a gas station. Hopping out she informed him "I'm going to the restroom." and headed off.

Howie thanked god she had left him alone to talk comfortably with his best friend. "Hello..."

"You chicken shit, you didn't tell her. What the fuck Howie?" AJ insulted at high volume.

Howie stared at the phone as he heard AJ's voice blazing through the speaker " wasn't the right time ok. Plus I was thinking that it shouldn't have to be my job to tell her." Now he was mad, the nerve of AJ.

AJ huffed in annoyance with his cowardly friend "I bet you tried to seduce her huh?" Once again there was silence on the line "Yeah right, I know you. wouldn't even be able to."

"It shouldn't be my task to tell her. I like Millie and thinking it through I don't want to be the one to hurt her...So I'm not saying anything, you'll just have to tell her face to face when we get there. Capiche." with that Howie pressed the end button, just as Millie made her way back.

She smiled, "Is everything ok?" she asked, looking at Howie's sour face "You look upset"

"No, I'm good." he responded cuttingly, starting the car again and resuming their drive.

AJ flung the phone across the room, landing neatly on the couch. "Your lucky that shit fell on the sofa. Sounds like your conversation with Howie was unpleasant?" Nick teased.

"He's such an asshole. He didn't even tell her, yet he probably already slept with her. I mean...the nerve of him." AJ paced the living room, his hands on his hips "She didn't say much either."

Taking a seat on the sofa Nick ruffled his hair "Listen, what did you want the girl to tell haven't really called her either. Plus, I think it's your duty to tell her that you're not in love with her and that you don't want to get married, not Howie!" He looked up catching a glare from AJ "I'm not done. If Howie did go that far. I think you're extremely hurt and jealous that he got something that you weren't able to get in one whole year." Nick raised his eyebrows waiting for an answer.

AJ sighed heavily taking a seat next to him "Maybe a little...I wasn't always a dick with her. I treated her right, I took her to a couple of shows and..."

Nick patted AJ's back "That wasn't enough if YOU weren't there, so Howie beat you to the punch. Does he like her?" AJ nodded "So you kept giving him the green light to be with her. If he acts on it, she is better off bro, she won't be as hurt when you break up with her. Anyways...changing the subject Mr. Andrews the accountant wants to see us in his office tomorrow to show us the proofs he's handing over to the IRS. Hopefully with that we are clear and we can have our lives back. Cause, Kevin was trying to show me how to change a diaper...not easy or good!" both laughed

"You're gonna have to some day." AJ shoved him playfully.

"Not now though...come on let's go take a ride in Kevin's car...I stole the keys." They snickered making their way towards the door.

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