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Nick, Brian, and AJ entered the office and were instantly greeted by Mr. Andrews "Fellas please take a seat. I'm so sorry about everything that has happened."

Brian sighed heavily and hastily questioned "Yeah, but I want to know that this is going to be fixed and I can take my family back to our home."

"Yeah I miss my home and my money" Nick retorted "I was incarcerated...and humiliated and I couldn't use the bathroom cause I got shy..."

AJ and Brian gave him a 'that is besides the point' look "I understand that you are very troubled by all of this and I intend to fix this for you. I have here the copies of the taxes for both years. I have made a copy for each one of you. It also has a copy of a letter we made up for the IRS." Mr. Andrews passed out the large envelopes, looking around "Uh...we have one missing. Who can give this to him?" he held out the last envelope.

"I can..." AJ huffed, snatching the envelope from the accountant's hands. "So this goes out and how long will it take to clear up?"

The accountant smiled gracefully "Since I have set up an appointment to turn them in personally, I should have you in your homes, and all your accounts cleared, hopefully no longer than three to four days from now, the max. I beg you understand that IRS are error prone too...and this is all a misunderstanding. I am also having a press conference just to clear it up...since it has leaked out. Is there anything else that I can help you with?"

All three guys looked at each other, the realization of the incident being a big misunderstanding settling in. "No sir, and thank you for your patience and help" Brian shook his hand followed by Nick and AJ.

Once out of the office the threesome looked at each other, then at Kevin who sat pretending to read a magazine with Mason on his lap, he stood and they all hugged. Just like they had before every concert, when he was still part of them.

"How about we get some lunch to celebrate, we'll all go." Nick suggested.

"Sounds good to me" AJ responded as they all hopped into Kevin's truck.

Millie jumped at the knock on the door, swiftly she wiped the tears from her eyes. She had turned on the shower, but had taken a seat on the toilet and had begun to cry.

"Millie...are you ok in there?" Howie sighed, he knew that he had upset her last night, with his coldness after their encounter. The only thing that he could do was push her away, he hadn't been able to make Leigh happy, what made him think he could make her happy. The thoughts began to clutter his brain, bringing on a headache. "Millie?"

After quickly letting the water pour down her body and over her head, she wrapped herself with the towel and glanced at herself in the mirror. Cursing she wiped the last tears from her eyes and opened the door to find Howie leaning against the wall.

"What's all the commotion?" she asked quietly.

"I just wanted to know if you're ok? I was a jackass last night."

"No, you were just being a guy. You didn't want to do it anyways and I pushed you to. So..." she licked her dry lips and made her way towards the bed. Her breathing was fast and her hands felt shaky.

" wasn't like that. I wanted...I want to...but I can't. Please understand." he followed her as she rummaged through her small bag of clothes, her head beginning to spin.

She hated how easily it had become to just burst out in tears "You should have...just said no...but instead you...did your deed...and made me feel so fucking...insignificant." she choked on her tears as she covered her face.

Howie fought the urge to take her in his arms and comfort her. "...I'm sorry" he whispered "I'll be in the car," he exited the room.

Three long hours had gone by and not a word had been spoken. Howie glanced over at her, but all he saw was an inconsolable Millie, with an occasional tear sliding down her cheek. He wanted her to smile again, but all she did was lean against the door, her head resting on the window and her eyes fixed on the highway ahead.

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