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The room was overflowing with people and everyone was speaking over each other. Howie sat on a chair his head bowed, he wanted them all to shut up and leave him alone, to just go away. Especially the idiot leaning against the wall in the corner chewing on his nails, this was all his fault. His head was still spinning.

What the hell had just happened?

"Guys..." his voice was hoarse and everyone continued trying to diagnose him, ignoring his voice. "Guys...I'm fine really." It continued. "I'M FINE!!" he yelled, making everyone freeze and go silent. "I'm ok..."

The room was suddenly cleared out, leaving Nick, AJ and Brian standing in silence. "Maybe you're pregnant?" Nick smiled, trying to lighten the mood, but they all turned to glare at him "What it could be...there is a possibility. Alright I'm leaving." he kicked the floor like a child and walked out.

"Damn fool!" Brian nodded "Are you sure you're ok? That was a pretty nasty fall."

"I'm ok...I just need some time alone. Please!" Brian nodded and turned to look at AJ. "Take that ass with you." Howie added, giving AJ a glare.

"You know what" AJ pushed himself off the wall "Let's get this over with huh...if you're mad at me for sleeping with her. Well I'm sorry...but she didn't hesitate to jump..." Before he could finish, Howie stood up and let his right fist connect with AJ's face, he fell back.

"Please not here you guys..." Brian pleaded.

AJ spit the blood from his mouth and grinned as he stood up again. "I understand why you're so hooked." Howie lunged at him, catching him off guard, falling back again and taking Howie with him. AJ pinned Howie to the floor and punched him once and then again. "She loves me too...just so you know." AJ grunted.

"Get of me" Howie ordered, suddenly turning around, now pinning AJ to the floor, his hands were at his throat. "You knew and know how I feel about her and you went ahead and slept with were supposed to be my best friend" they glared at each other "You always want what everyone else has. I'm out of here..." he slammed AJ against the floor and stormed out of the room.

"Damn it AJ! What did you do this time?" Brian huffed with his hands on his side.

Later that night Millie sat on her bed, her eyes boring a hole in the ceiling. She couldn't stop thinking of the pain she had caused Howie, or how awful AJ had talked about her. Best friend he was talking so badly about her, like she was just another one of his many conquests.

A tall figure stood at the door, and made her jump "Dad?" she propped up on her elbows.

"Hey there sweetheart...I'm leaving for my shift. Are you going to be alright?" he raised his eyebrows.

She shook her head and got off the bed and hugged him "I'll be fine dad."

He tightened the hug till he heard her groan "You used to like these hugs..." he chuckled.

" can't...breathe!" he loosened his grip and kissed her cheek "Alright get some sleep." he kissed her forehead and walked down the hall. She followed suit and slumped into the sofa as she watched him exit the house, she switched on the TV and absentmindedly clicked the control, channel after channel.

Later that night, AJ stood outside pacing back and forth, he didn't know if he should knock. He'd had enough blows for the day, he flexed his sore jaw and twisted his throbbing wrist. With a deep sigh he set foot on the porch and rang the doorbell once.

Millie groaned as she woke from her slumber and stretched her body. She then jumped at the sound of the doorbell ringing, for a quick moment she had thought she was dreaming. Who could it be at this time? She looked at the clock on the wall as she looked through the peephole and groaned again.

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