What a Show

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AJ puffed on his cigarette as he stood on a small balcony overlooking LA. He couldn't stop hoping that his phone would ring and that Millie would be calling to let him know that she was coming to their first US concert. His thoughts were broken by the door slamming behind him, he ignored the person standing there.

"How long are you going to ignore me?" Howie asked, leaning his back against the railing and crossing his arms "I didn't do it on purpose AJ." he sighed hard, hoping to get a word from his best friend.

AJ flicked his cigarette into the air and turned to look at Howie "I just can't believe that you blew her off. I mean she really loves you, and she suffers so much because of you. She's been through a lot."

There was a long pause of silence "She said that too! What has she gone through? What happened to her in the hospital AJ? Why does she have that scar?" his eyes shifted from the ground to AJ and back.

AJ gave him a surprised look "How do you know about the scar? It's right ...no you didn't." he balled his fist, wanting to let Howie have a punch. "You asshole, no wonder she is all worked up. You slept with her? Again?" he looked angry at Howie and at Millie for leaving that part of information out of her sobbing confessions.

Howie glared at AJ now "How the hell do you know where the scar is?"

"Very funny...don't pretend to be fucking jealous of something that is not there. She loves you not me...anyways I was there that night. While you were getting back together with your wife, who left you in the first place." he placed his hand on the doorknob, flinging the door open.

Both stepped into the stadium, walking and arguing at the same time. "Seriously AJ what the hell happened?" he grabbed AJ's arm and swung him around "I want to know! I need to know."

"Yeah well you don't have a right to know. So stop asking me cause I'm not going to tell you. If you want to know ask her...actually stay the fuck away from her. I swear Howie, if I see you even looking at her I'll kick your ass."

The twosome entered the dressing rooms forgetting that the rest of the group was getting ready. "Well go ahead..." he stood up to AJ "Let's get this shit over with!"

Kevin cleared his throat and the twosome turned to find all eyes on them. Leigh, Leighanne and Kristin sat in the corner all staring in confusion. Kevin glared at the twosome already guessing the topic of their heated argument, Nick continued to fix his hair in the mirror trying to ignore the tension.

While Brian looked at the man he knew as the calmest in the group standing up to his bandmate. "What in Christ's name is going on here? What are you two arguing about? We are about to put on a show and you are fighting." he crossed his arms waiting for an answer.

"Fuck this..." AJ blurted walking out of the door, leaving Howie to answer all the uncomfortable questions.

Howie looked at the group, he wanted to punch anything, he was so angry. At AJ for not telling him the truth and at himself for being an idiot. "Nothing it's just that..." he didn't know what to say. What was a good and logical reason to argue with your best friend. He gave Kevin a 'rescue me' look.

Kevin quickly cleared his throat, knowing he was doing wrong. "It's AJ you know how he gets when he wants things his way. Let's just finish getting ready...and let him calm down." he placed a hand on Howie's shoulders as they all continued what they were doing.

AJ continued to walk, his new bodyguard Eddie right behind him a tall, white, bald guy with muscles all over. He just kept walking in circles around the staple center floors. He watched the eager women with their posters, camera's and smiles waiting to tumble in through the doors as soon as they would open.

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