Chapter 12 - Christmas Day

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Christmas Day

It's Christmasssssss!

I was so beyond excited that I had been up since 5 am. Granted I was tired at 5 am — but I've still been up. It was now 6 which only meant one thing — time to wake up Caleb!

We have a very strict schedule on Christmas day which consists of me waking up early. Me waking Caleb up at 6. Cal and I hang out for a bit before we wake Ace up at 6:30 and then we all go downstairs at 7 am. Then there is another strict schedule about what we do during the day and which presents to open up first and all of that.

First I put on a sweater over my PJ's that I got from Christmas Eve gift opening as I am freezing, even under my warm covers. Then I head over to Caleb's room which is just one door down from mine.

I open his door to find him lying on his stomach, no shirt on with the covers basically thrown off of the bed. His arms and legs are spread out and he looks dead asleep.

My feet gently walk over to the bed and I sneak into it, grabbing some of the blankets and pulling them onto me as I'm cold. Caleb begins to stir but he's not quite awake yet.

"Cal. Wake up, it's Christmas." I lift up his arm and drop it, allowing it to fall onto the bed with a thump.

"Stop." He mumbled, tucking his arms into his chest as he also reached for some blankets that had been kicked off in the middle of the night — Caleb was always a restless sleeper.

"It's 6:03 am. I actually let you sleep in!" I countered, coming closer to him and raising my voice just a little.

Without warning, his arm reached out and grabbed me. I squealed, but sure enough one of his hands came over to rest on top of my mouth — preventing me from speaking. He had me trapped with my back up against his chest. Caleb has his chin pressing down on the top of my head with his hand still covering my mouth and holding me down. So all and all, I was completely trapped.

"Mhmmhm." My protests were futile as his hand blocked any sound from getting further than my head.

"Shhh. It's night-night time." Caleb muttered, burying his head into my hair.

I have to admit — I was very comfortable right now and maybe I could fall back asleep. But it is also Christmas so that obviously was not an option.

I finally managed to pry his hands off of my mouth before I turned around so now my head was practically squished against his chest.

"Cal?" I whispered against him, scooting up in the bed so we were eye to eye.

He grunted in response, his eyes closed and his face peaceful as he tried to get himself back to bed.

"Do you think Santa came?" I teased him, poking his nose.

"No." He grunted again, not even bothering to make any other movements or even open his eyes to look at me.


"You're on the naughty list — for waking me up this early." Caleb responded bitterly, opening just one of his eyes to fix me with a harsh glare.

"I always wake you up this early." I responded in a 'duh' tone.

Caleb rolled over, stretching his arms and yawning. Although one of his long tree arms almost hit me in the mouth I was just happy he was attempting to wake up.

"I thought you grew out of that." He said sheepishly, rolling back over so he could look at me.

"Never." I told him. I also rolled over so I could look at the clock on the nightstand. "Only 15 more minutes until we can go get Ace!"

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