Chapter 10 - Phone Call

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Two days until Christmas

"Jess!" I squealed the second my best friend's face came onto the screen, flopping down on my bed at the same time.

Today my brothers and I were just having a chill moment before we went out to dinner (or so I think that's what we're doing) so I decided to check up on my friends. I haven't called them for pretty much our entire Aspen trip because we've been so busy and I've just enjoyed hanging out with my family. But we have texted a ton so they have lots of updates on what I've been doing and I know exactly where and what they've been doing.

"Jodee! Oh my God, Miss Girl! Why haven't we talked? You never call me!" She dramatically exclaimed, the camera on her end also moving around as it seemed like she was getting situated so I could actually see her on the call as I have yet to see her face.

"Sorry! I know, I've just been so busy. How's the Bahama's?"

Jess's family is kinda a travel family — they love to travel and do it all the time. They travel every winter and spring break as well as a couple random long weekends they'll go somewhere and then pretty much all summer Jess and her family are gone. But her mom and dad hate cold places so they always go somewhere warm; Hawaii is their go to most of the time but Mrs. Crawford thinks it's fun to try new places so besides Hawaii they rarely re due locations.

I've always been a little envious of the Crawfords because Cal, Ace, and I never travel — I haven't even been out of the country. But Jess also says she's envious that I've actually lived somewhere else as she was born and raised in the same house, never once has she lived elsewhere. So I guess everyone wants something the other has.

This year our Aspen trip has been amazing, however, so I'm hoping my big brother and his best friend decide that we can do more trips in the future! Especially because I'll be at college soon so I'll just want to come home and not go away for vacation so I need to get trips in while I'm still living at home.

I do plan on staying close to college — probably driving distance — as I do not want to leave either of my brothers behind and I like California in general with the weather and everything. But I still am scared to live alone and move away for college.

Can't wait to have that conversation with Ace ... and Caleb.

"It's so awesome here! It's like the perfect temp — not too hot and not too cold! Anne has also been good on this trip so that's a plus." Jess told me, finally settling down on what looks to be a type of lawn chair.

Anne is Jess's big sister who is in her second year of college, if I have my information correct. She went to the East Coast for college (I don't know what specific school) so she rarely comes home besides break. That also means that her home is the East Coast now so Jess says she's pretty grouchy and not fun to hang around when she does come home. Jess and Anne have never been super close, but they've always shared a special bond that has more or less deteriorated with age as they both start to get on each other's nerves now as they are so similar.

I think Anne is cool — she's like the classic older sister who teaches you about boys and makeup and all of those things. She was pretty popular in highschool so Jess gets a lot of tips from her.

When I was younger (and kinda still now) I always wanted an older sister. I wanted someone I could talk to about boys and makeup and periods (when I finally get mine — hurry along mother nature!) But I was stuck with a big brother — and later two big brothers.

Of course, Ace, Caleb, and I are super close. Probably closer than the average siblings out there but it's also a different bond as Ace is eleven years older than me and my guardian so he's never been a "normal" big brother, more of a father figure. And Cal isn't even technically my brother so there's that. I love my brothers and really appreciate them ... but sometimes it's hard with me being so sensitive and them being quite rough on the edges men. I know I can talk to them about everything – they've both made that very clear — but sometimes I'm hesitant to. That's why I would love an older sister ... or mother in those kinda situations.

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