Chapter / 23

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I walked back to my cabin after that

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I walked back to my cabin after that...weird...interaction? with Scaramouche and Childe.

I open the door, only to be greeted with someone bumping into me and making me fall to the ground onto my poor back.

I yell in pain as I felt the weight of the person on my body as my back now hurt like shit.

"Arghhnnn...." I groan in pain as I open my eyes only to see a girl with red eyes staring right back at me with a nervous smile on her face.

"Uh....hehe?" My eyes widened as I realized that it was no one other than Hu tao. This is the second time I wake up with her on top of my body and causing me pain.

"Seriously??? Don't "hehe" me! You hurt my back! And could you please get off me now?!" I scold her in anger as my lower back was in pain from the fall.

Another young lady came running towards us from inside the cabin as she heard the thud I had made when I fell to the ground.

"Oh my! Y/n, are you okay!?" The orange/blonde haired girl gasped as she put her hands in front of her mouth as she looked at us in concern. Hu tao slowly got off of me and once she stood up, perfectly fine unlike me, she rubbed the back of her neck nervously, knowing I was going to nag her forever about this.

Yoimiya took her hands away from her face as she lent me her hand to help me up from the ground. Luckily, my fall wasn't that bad and my back was only hurting a bit. Though this wouldn't stop me from scolding Hu tao.

Once I stood up from the help that Yoimiya offered, I immediately turned towards Hu tao and hit the top of her head as I then rested my hands on my hips while looking at her angrily.

Hu tao yelped in fear of my rage as she braced herself for a terrible scolding from me.

I sighed as decided to wait to confirm something instead of scolding her right away.

"Hu tao. Mind to explain why you bumped into me while I tried to enter our cabin." I ask her with a serious look on my face, showing her that I was expecting her to be serious about this too.

Her eyes widened as she realized that I wasn't going to get mad at her right away and she immediately proceeded to explain herself.

"Well, you see, I was simply going to go get you because I was worried for you! Me and Yoimiya both were! And so I decided to go search for you because Scaramouche and Childe had gone out to get you and I realized that maybe it wasn't the best idea ever to leave them alone with you!-" Hu tao looked at me innocently as she frantically tried to explain herself, looking desperate for my forgiveness as Yoimiya, beside her, nod her head along with what my pigtailed friend was stating, as if to demonstrate that she was indeed telling the truth.

"-But when I opened the door to leave the cabin, someone else had opened the door at the same time as me and it propelled me towards you since I was still holding the handle and I didn't expect someone else to open the door at the time as me which led to my stance becoming unstable as you pulled the door towards you, hence making me fall onto you!" She finished as she couldn't help but take a deep breath in as if she hadn't breathed the whole time she had spoken.

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