26 - Snowflakes's rescue

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“Dearest, don’t stop,” Carol moans in my ear. Her voice makes me feel goosebumps. Every hair on my body stands up, and I feel myself getting relaxed. My fingers continue to move over her abdomen. Her body flinches when she feels my touch. I press my lips against her neck, sucking her pulse points lightly. Her breath hitches, and my fingers move to the heat between her legs.
She jolts her back, and I smile. It makes me feel so proud that I can make her feel that way. I can make her feel like she is flying.
“Y/N, please…,” she pleads, and I know that she’s about to reach her high.
Carol’s breath gets quicker, and I can feel how her body responds to my touch.

riiiiing, riiiiing, riiiiing.
Her phone rings, and she groans. I look at her, and she collapses into the bed, trying to catch her breath.
“Ugh…Who… who is this?” she asks and pulls me in for a kiss. From her actions, I know that she won’t answer this call.
“Carol, what if it is important? You should at least check who it is,” I suggest and hand her the phone.
She rolls her eyes but looks at the screen. When she reads the caller ID, she immediately sits up and looks at me.
“Rindy,” she whispers, and I can hear the panic in her voice.

She picks up the call and puts it on speaker. I smile to myself, being grateful that she trusts me so much. Even when she is calling her daughter, she chooses to share the call with me. I feel so honoured that she has accepted me into her little family.

“Hello? Snowflake?,” she asks and pulls me out of my little daydream. I turn my full attention to the phone.
It’s hard to understand Rindy’s words because she sobs constantly.
“Snowflake, hey, what’s wrong? Tell me what is going on. Where is daddy? Can you give the phone to him?” Carol asks. The previous intimate act seems to be completely forgotten, and her full attention is on her daughter.
“Daddy is…. He’s not…. He’s out… I’m…. s-sorry,” the little shaking voice sobs on the other side of the line. Carol looks at me, and I can see the fear in her eyes. She’s beginning to realize that her daughter is all on her own. SHe jolts up and immediately gets dressed. Rindy continues to cry on the other side of the line.

“Snowflake, it’s okay. I’m not mad at you. I could never be mad at you, little snowflake,” Carol explains. I know that she is trying to find a solution for the problem. But she can’t. Her mind is filled with questions that she can’t find an answer to.

“Hey, it’s okay. You’ll go and get her and I’ll prepare everything for her arrival. I’ll stay on the phone with her. Get our snowflake,” I whisper, taking the phone from her. She closes her eyes, and a tear rolls down her cheek. I wipe it away and nod, giving her the ‘everything will be okay’ look.
Carol swallows and takes her car keys. She turns to the phone.
“Snowflake, I’m coming to pick you up, okay? Y/N will stay on the phone with you until I’m there, okay? You’ll be okay, my princess. I’ll be with you shortly,” she explains and gives me a quick kiss on the forehead before rushing out of the door.

I take the phone and debate how to call Rindy now. I want to address her as ‘sunshine’ like I always do, but it doesn’t feel good enough. I need something more personal, something that gives her the safety she needs
“Snowflake, I’m here now. We’ll play a little game, okay? Until your mother arrives,” I say and try to calm her down, “Let’s play a game, okay?”
The little girl sighs, and I take it as a sign that she is up for it.

I explain the rules to her.
“Okay, it’s an easy game. My mother used to play it with me when I was a child. It’s called ‘Ich packe meinen Koffer’. I’m gonna name you some things and you pack them into a suitcase or a backpack, okay? It’s fun. Are you ready?” I ask and quickly think about the things I want her to pack.
I hear a faint “yes” through the phone, and that’s when I realize that she is ready.

Dearest - truly flung out of spaceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora