24 - Happy times

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“Good morning. Time to wake up,” I shout through the small apartment, trying to wake up the two females in my bedroom. It doesn’t take long before I hear quiet and tiny footsteps coming out of the bedroom. A sleepy Rindy opens the door and yawns. 

“Good morning, Y/N,” she says and rubs her eyes. The small girl smiles and opens the door even more, revealing my favorite blonde still sleeping soundly. Her hair is a mess and the covers are pulled up to her neck, leaving her feet free. I smile to myself when looking at the sight, imagining how life would be if we told RIndy that her mother and I are in a romantic relationship.

“Good morning, Rindy. I’ve made breakfast. Are pancakes okay?” I ask and lead the little girl into the bathroom.

“Ahh, yesy can you cut out mine? Make a Winnie Pooh face out of it?” she asks with her big green eyes. I know that I can’t reject her request if she looks at me with these puppy-dog eyes. 

“I can try, but I can’t promise you anything, Rindy,” I smile and head into the kitchen to try my best to cut out the pancake for the little princess. Unfortunately, I wasn’t blessed with much creativity and so the pancakes ends up looking a bit…. special.
“Oh damn, who hurt you, little guy?” I ask as I look at my “masterpiece”. 

Tiny footsteps enter the kitchen area and Rindy sits down on the chair. She seems excited for breakfast. I’m almost scared to disappoint her. Seconds later, Carol walks in. She’s wearing a lose shirt and some leggins. She’s beautiful. If I could, I would jump right into her arms but I can’t. I try to smile at her and hide my love but it’s nearly impossible.

“Ooh, Winnie the Pooh!” Rindy squeaks and starts to devour her breakfast. 
“Snowflake, did you need something extra again?” Carol whispers and points to the pancake of the young girl. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. A flash of sadness falls over Rindy’s face and I try to cheer her up. 
“Hey, don’t be so mean to her. Rindy is my special guest and she deserves everything she wants!” I intervene and shoot Carol a mean look. She giggles and continues to eat her breakfast. 

“I’m afraid I have to leave soon. I have two uni classes and then I’m gonna cover a shift at the restaurant. Do you have any plans for today?” I ask and turn my attention to Rindy. 
“Mommy and I want to go to the cinema today,” she smiles and takes the last bite of her breakfast. 
“Oh, how wonderful. Which movie will you watch?” 
“Ehm… ehm…,” she whispers and thinks about the right answer. 
“It’s the movie “Tangled”, snowflake. We’ll watch the Disney movie,” Carol jumps in and takes a sip of her coffee. I smile, feeling happy for them to spend some mother-daughter-time together. 

I arrive at uni and try to get through the lectures. The classes are quite boring but Amelia tries to cheer me up as best as she can. I decide to tell her about meting Rindy and she is very happy for me. I appreciate her support so much and I’m so thankful for her. 
An hour into the second lecture, I receive a message from my love. 

Carol <3
Hello dearest, 
I miss you. The movie is boring, but at least Rindy is having fun. She’ll probably have a heartburn because of all the popcorn she ate. I have ti bring her back to Harge in the evening. Maybe we can relax tonight and make up for all the lost cuddling from yesterday. 
I love you xx 

I smile at her message, feeling butterflies in my stomach. I can’t really imagine Carol in a cinema, especially not in a children’s movie. How would she act? Would she hide her face? Maybe even try not to look at the screen at all? Would she laugh when Rindy laughs? Maybe I should take for to the cinema to see her reaction? Yes, I definitely should. 
“Hey, are you there? Wanna grab a coffee?” Amelia asks and pulls me out of my daydream. 

Dearest - truly flung out of spaceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang