03 - How do I deserve this kindness?

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6 AM, a full day of work ahead of me. I'm tired, feeling the aftermath of the alcohol in my body. Work would start at 9 AM. Completely unmotivated and tired, I roll out of bed.
After my shower I head towards the kitchen for my morning tea. On the way I grab my phone, seeing 3 new messages of Amelia.

Amelia :)
Heyyy Y/N wherre are yuo? This party is sicc. Yure messing ut


Morning bestie. I'm sorry for the messages. I was completely wasted yesterday. I hooked up with some nice guy, his name is Mark. You'd like him.

I smile at her messages, it seems like she's regretting drinking so much.
I quickly text her back, telling her that I hope she can relax a bit. But deep down I know that she can't since she has uni classes today.

The drive to the restaurant is quiet. Since it's quite a distance I chose to take the bus. For the past years I've been saving money to buy a car but investments like that take time.

"Y/N, finally. The kitchen is a mess. Our new trainee is overwhelmed. Please help," my boss pleads. I smile to myself, feeling proud of myself for being such a responsible employee.
I quickly change into my work clothes, grab my stuff and make my way to serve customers. The restaurant is quite full, many people are out for a late breakfast. Grabbing the notepad, I work myself through the tables, stopping at the last table in front of the window.

A familiar laughter reaches my ears as I spot beautiful blonde locks. Mrs. Aird.
I stop, shocked. I don't believe that it's actually her but I'm not mistaken when I hear her voice. God, she's beautiful. She's accompanied by a brunette woman and Carol is about to light a cigarette.

I quickly walk towards their table, gathering all the self confidence I have to tell then that this is a non-smoking zone. With slow steps I near their table, my heart beating in my throat.

"I'm very sorry but this is a non-smoking zone. Please don't smoke in here," I say and look at the box of cigarettes lying on the table. I don't dare to make direct eye contact with Carol or the brunette.

"Oh, I'm very sorry. I completely forgot," Carol says and puts out her cigarette. The brunette does the same and takes a sip of her drink.
"I'm sorry but we have to follow the rules. Unfortunately, I can't make exceptions." I add and turn around to go back behind the counter. Carol doesn't remember me. Of course she doesn't. How could she when all we talked about was some stupid pasta? It's embarrassing to imagine her remembering me or even my name. It makes me sad. However, I try to pull myself together.

"Y/N?" Carol suddenly says and I turn around. I am surprised that she remembers my name. A small smile spreads on my face and I feel warmth spreading through my entire body. She remembers me.

"Y/N, Abby and I are starved. We've been waiting to order food, but nobody has served us yet. Will you help us out?" Carol adds and smiles at me. Her beautiful blue eyes shimmer.
"I’m sorry nobody has taken your order yet. We are currently shortly staffed, and everything is chaotic. I apologize for the inconvenience. What would you like to eat?” I ask and give them both my full attention.

Carol smiles at me.
“Well, I think you already know what I am ordering, dear,” she says with a smirk. Her choice of words will kill me. Many customers have called me ‘dear’ before, most of them being drunk middle aged men, but the way Carol says it is different. She says it so sincerely, like she means it. I get the feeling that she cares about me in some way.
I smile and note down one order of Pasta Fettuccine.
The brunette makes a move, ordering a simple chicken salad.

“Oh Abby, please, we are out. Treat yourself with something real to eat,” Carol says, trying to convince Abby to order something different. The brunette is hesitant but changes her order into Pasta as well.
“I haven’t even introduced you two to another. Please forgive me. My head is all over the place. Y/N, this is my best friend Abby Gerhard. Abby, this is Y/N, the waitress I told you about,” Carol says and I blush. She has told her friend about me?
“It’s nice to meet you,” says the brunette with a smile.

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