23 - Meeting Snowflake

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“Hmm, let me sleep,” the beautiful blonde mutters next to me. I chuckle and draw patterns on her back and her spine. Goosebumps erupt on her skin, and she shivers a little. A smile paints my face.
“Carol, we need to wake up. It’s already 9AM,” I chuckle and kiss her cheek. She mumbles something that I can’t make out and pulls me closer into her arms. 
“No, I have jetlag. I need to cuddle with you to feel better,” she says through gritted teeth and gets even more comfortable in my arms. 
“Alright, alright, old woman,” I answer and roll my eyes. She immediately gets up. 
“Old woman?” she says with shock and a raised eyebrow. 
I nod and kiss her cheek again. 
“Don’t you ever say that again, dearest,” she says with a serious undertone. I pull her into a kiss, and we fall back asleep in each other's arms. 

It’s 12AM when I wake up from the sunlight. I escape the arms of my blonde lover and walk into the kitchen to prepare something for breakfast. I’ve decided to make some pancakes, something that Carol always loves to have for breakfast. When I’ve prepared everything and set everything up on a little tray, I hear a faint whisper from the bedroom. 
“Dearest, where are you?”
I chuckle and carry the tray into the bedroom. Carol sits up on the bed and tries to brush her messy hair out of her face. I smile at the sight. She’s beautiful. More beautiful than ever. This is the Carol I fell in love with. Of course, I love it when she dresses up and puts her hair in pretty buns, but when she looks so sleepy and unready, she is even more beautiful. 
“Do you like what you see?” she teases, and I chuckle.
“Maybe,” I answer and put the tray on the nightstand, “I’ve made breakfast.” 
She smiles and reaches out her hands towards me to pull me into a hug. 

“Dearest?” she asks after a while. I’m still in her arms, but I hear the uncertain undertone in her voice. 
“Hmm?” I reply and lift myself up a little. 
“I want you to meet Rindy,” she says and tries to make her voice sound as certain and confident as possible. 
“Carol, are you sure? Are you sure that she is ready?” I ask. 
I would love to meet Rindy, no question. But is this really the right time? I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. 
“I want you to meet her. I told her about you and she seems really interested in meeting you. I just… I have to introduce you as my friend. You know that I love you but I don’t want to confuse her. I hope you understand, dearest,” she says and tightens her arms around me. 
“I know, love. I know that you want to protect her. I would love to meet her,” I whisper and smile. Carol's eyes light up, and she kisses my cheeks.  

A few days pass, and it gets closer and closer to the day I will meet Rindy. 
“Right, I’ll pick her up after school,” Carol says and wraps her arms around me. I smile and lean into her touch.
“Okay, that sounds great. What’s her favourite food? I want to make her feel as welcomed as I can when she comes over,” I mumble and stroke her cheek.
The sunbeams fall through the blinds, and the birds chirp their melodies outside. It seems to be a nice day today, and I’m really happy to finally meet the daughter of my girlfriend. 
“Well, she’s an average 6-year-old girl. She eats everything,” Carol answers and pulls the sheets over us a bit more. 
“Carol, come on. What’s her favourite food? Do you think she will like me if I cook her some fancy meal she won’t even eat? What does she like? Pasta, Pizza?” I tease. 
“She likes fishsticks. Fishsticks with fries,” Carol answers and nuzzles her head into my chest. 
I nod and smile. 

Carol is out picking up Rindy from school. She sends me a quick message. 

Carol <3
Hello dearest, 
it might take a little longer before Rindy and I come home. She needs a new train for her train set she got for Christmas a few years ago. The store is closed until 4 and so we have to go there after 4pm. Let’s say we’ll come back at around 6? I hope that’s okay.
I love you.

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