25 - A crazy ride

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Saturday arrives sooner than I thought. Carol is picking up Rindy from school and I pack a little backpack for the funfair. The little girl was so excited when I told her about it. She was giggling and squeaking and it was lovely to watch. Carol just shook her head and laughed.

30 minutes later, we're at the funfair. Rindy is running around, stopping at almost every carousel to see what it's about. She also wants to buy a lot of things at every stall. It doesn't matter if it's a stuffed animal or a doll, she wants it all. And who can blame and resist her? Her cute eyes are speaking for themselves. Those big green eyes can't be resisted.

"Mommy, can I have this? Mommy, can I play this? Mommy, can you play this for me? Mommy, I want to win this," she squeaks all the time and Carol just shakes her head.
"Snowflake, no."
The little girl crosses her arms in front of her chest and acts offended. Seconds later, she comes up behind me and whispers.
"Y/N, mommy is being mean. Can you help me win this? Pleeeeeaaaaase?" She points to a big stuffed animal which is even bigger than she is.
I laugh.
"Okay, here's the deal. You can have one thing, okay? Decide which one you want. But just one. One game, okay?" I say and raise my eyebrow at her. She nods and goes off exploring which toy she wants to get.
"You're a good parent, you know," Carol says and smiles at me. I want to take her hand more than anything. I want to be like all the other couples. I want to be normal. I want to openly show my love to Carol to the public. But I can't. Not because of the public but because of Rindy. I don't want to confuse the little girl.

"I know you want to hold my hand, dearest. I want that too," Carol whispers and caresses my cheek. I lean into her touch, enjoying the warmth of her hand.
"Mommy, Mommy, I want this," the little girl shouts and points to a giant stuffed teddy bear.
"Snowflake, you already have enough stuffed animals, don't you?" Carol replies. Rindy's smile immediately fades.
"Come on, sunshine, I'll get it for you. How much is it?" I say and lead Rindy to the stall. I buy 3 balls and start to throw them towards the little pyramid of cups. Against my expectations, I hit it at the first shot, making Rindy shout in ecstasy. Her green eyes light up and she looks absolutely beautiful. Carol is smiling behind her, seeming to admire my throwing skills.
"Yay! Y/N, you got it!!" the little brunette shouts and kicks her feet. She seems like she just got the biggest present in the world. I smile at her, feeling happy that she is so happy.
Carol decides to get her one toy too and at the end of the day, Rindy has a giant stuffed and a small glowing crown.

"Today was the best day ever!" Rindy squeaks as we enter my apartment.
"Right to bed, snowflake. You'll go back to Daddy tomorrow," Carol shouts after her. I hear a loud groan from the little girl but she eventually gets ready for bed.
"Thank you for the gifts, Y/N. Goodnight," she says and hugs me before she gets into bed.

"She had fun, thank you for giving her the opportunity," Carol says as she hugs me from behind.
"Anything for the little princess," I reply and continue to clean up some things in the kitchen. Shortly after, I feel a wet kiss on my cheek.
"Carol," I giggle and turn around to kiss her. She puts her hands on my waist and pulls me close to her.
"I love you, dearest. I love you so much," she whispers as she covers my face with kisses.
"Just wait until I get you on that rollercoaster tomorrow," I chuckle and bury my head in her neck.
"I'm tougher than you think," Carol counters and laughs.
I shake my head.

"Mommy, can you come cuddle?" a quiet voice suddenly asks. Carol immediately lets go of me and turns to her little girl. Neither of us has an idea how long rindy was standing there and how much she saw.
"Of course, snowflake. I'll be there in a second. Go back to bed," Carol says and smiles at her daughter. Then, she turns to me and mouths "I'm sorry".
I shake my head and smile at her.
"Shh, don't. She's more important now. Goodnight."

I get back to the hsrd couch and try to close my eyes. The memories of the day fill my heart with joy and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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