12 - Why does it hurt so much?

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I wake up at 6:30am. I'm tired but when I remember what my plans for today are, I feel energized and ready. Making my way through my morning routine, I decide to take a rather long bath to get my body ready. It's incredibly important for me to make sure that I smell and look beautiful for Carol.

For breakfast, I have a bowl of cereal with a glass of water. I can't really eat much because if I do, I'm not hungry to eat at Carols' house. And what impression would it make if we'd actually cook together and I wouldn't touch the food? No, we cant' have that.

9:30am. I get ready, putting on my outfit and doing my makeup. I've never been a beauty guru and so I have little to no experience about makeup but Amelia has shown me a few tricks. She showed me how to look neutral but elegant with just a little makeup. I choose some light brown eyeshadow and top it off with some golden glitter. For lipstick I choose a deeper shade of red. A bit of highlighter tops it up. Admiring myself in the mirror, I feel pretty. It's been a long time since I've felt pretty. All the other girls were always so beautiful, so elegant, so angelic. While I was wearing oversized shirts and baggy jeans, they wore dresses, skirts and beautiful tops. But now it was my time to look fancy. I loved my outfit and I hope that Carol would like it too.

10:25 am. I stare at myself in the mirror. Somehow it feels like I missed something. I've already applied the 10th layer of deodorant and perfume, brushed my hair and curled it lightly and checked every centimeter of my body. I even made sure that I put the letter into my small purse. I was looking good but god, I was so scared.

A car honks and shortly after, my doorbell rings. Carol is here. After one last deep breath I open the door and am met with the beauty of Carol Aird. She's wearing a green plaid three piece suit which makes her look absolutely beautiful. This might be my favorite outfit of hers. She's so beautiful, I can't process it.

"Hello dear," she whispers and pulls me into a welcoming hug. Her golden hair smells like strawberry and her perfume smells like roses. I find myself getting lost in her strong arms that protected me from the outside world yet again.

"Hi," I whisper back.

Carol loosened her grip, turned towards her car but left her hand on my back, gently patting it. Just like she did when I fell.

"Shall we?" she asks and opens the passenger door for me. I smile at her chivalry and sit down. The leather seats are cold but very comfortable. Carol turns on the radio and a quiet tune reaches my ears. The atmosphere is peaceful and I enjoy the moment.

The drive is quiet. It takes around 20 minutes to get to Carol's house. From time to time I glance at, admiring her beauty. Her hair falls perfectly, creating a curtain in front of her beautiful face. I recognize that she changed her nail color. They shimmer in a more pigmented red now. It really suits her hands. She's not wearing her wedding ring either. I've never paid much attention to such a small detail before but now it makes me happy. I smile to myself which doesn't go unnoticed by her.

"What's so funny, dear?" she asks while stopping at a red light.

"Nothing. I'm just happy to spend time with you. You look beautiful today," I reply and feel the blush painting my cheeks. Carol chuckles, making me feel happy immediately.

"Oh thank you, my dear. You look wonderful too. I love your shirt. It suits you so well," she compliments me and I blush even more.

We continue our drive in comfortable silence.

Finally, our destination is in sight. A beautiful big house with a big garden ahead of us. I gasp, not believing that this is actually her house.

Carol notices my disbelief and lets out a small laugh.

Dearest - truly flung out of spaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora