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"i've never been to this mall" jungkook hummed as he turned his head to look at everything in the mall namjoon had brought him, "really? this is the best mall in seoul" he chuckled, locking his hand with jungkook's.

"i'll have to see about that" jungkook smiled, leaning against namjoon, "plus, they have a scrub store, so all my scrubs are from there" he shrugged, the younger one gasped, "are they cute?"

"if you mean they have little figurines with them, then yes, but i usually just get the dark blue and black ones" he spoke, jungkook sighed, "i know, they look good on you, but why can't you wear some cute ones? you work in pediatrics!"

namjoon laughed at the boy's rant, "fine, jungkookie. i'll look at some fun ones" he smiled and wrapped his arm around him.

"i'm actually going to look like an idiot in these scrubs. no one is going to believe i have a medical degree" he whined as jungkook picked some out for him, "yes, they will! you're so overdramatic" jungkook sighed, handing the boy a scrub shirt and scrub pant, "you'll wear these to work on monday, right?"

"yes, doctor" he whined, earning a small hit to the chest, "can we go to the food court at the end?" he asked, "are you going to eat fast food?" namjoon asked which made jungkook hum.

"i was actually just going to get a burrito" jungkook said, "that's healthy. i was going to get a double patty burger" the older one shrugged, making jungkook hum, "well, you do you"

namjoon laughed, "thank you, doctor!" he sarcastically said because he knew how disapproving jungkook was of it.

"let me tell you about taehyung and jimin" jungkook spoke as they ate, namjoon nodded, too occupied with his food to speak.

"that man is head over heels for jimin. he bought him 40 dollars of food"

namjoon raised a brow, "is the jimin guy not dating someone already? i think he has a kid or something" he spoke, jungkook gasped, "are you serious? he looks really young"

"i think he has a son that goes to yuna's school, at least last time i went. i saw him there, but maybe it was a doppelgänger?" he hummed, jungkook chewed the contents of his burrito.

"i don't know" he shrugged, "what are we doing after this?" jungkook asked as he sipped some iced water, "we could walk around some more. i just wanted you to be fed before we continued"

jungkook smiled, "we can do that"

"do you wear jewelry?" namjoon asked as they roamed the mall, "i do on my days off, not during world. do you know how many babies pull my hair? imagine if i had bracelets or necklaces" he sighed, namjoon hummed seeing jungkook wearing some earrings.

"what about your earrings?" he asked, "i wear those to work if i feel like it in the morning" jungkook chuckled, leaning on to namjoon's shoulder, "they look cute on you"

namjoon led him into a jewelry shop, "do you want to pick something out?" he gently asked with a small smile, "you'd buy me something?" jungkook practically whispered, "of course. some earrings, a ring? a ring would be a nice choice because babies can't tug on it" he spoke.

"i don't own a lot of rings" jungkook said, "my hands are too.. weird for rings?" he told the boy, namjoon shook his head, "how can hands be weird? your hands are fine" he reassured.

"really? one day during my clinicals, my friend told me they're built weird" he told namjoon, "i think your hands are fine. you have your carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges" he reassured with a smile, "i think i'm a size 8? something along those lines"

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