Chapter 2: Someone Familiar

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LeyLey POV

A man in a black hoodie and black glasses breaks into our room. The man looks around then heads to me and Andy's bed then-

I woke up trying to catch my breath. "Who was that guy?" I thought "Wait no time for that." I shook Andy awake. "What's wrong LeyLey?" Andy mumbled looking at me. "We need to leave, get everyone up!" I said jumping out of bed. Without asking any questions, we woke everyone else up and we all ran to the bridge. "Ok what the heck is going on?" Julia asked. "I had a dream that a man was broke into our room and kill us all!" I said panicking. "Wait you have visions?" Y/N asked curious. "Yes I have them to keep me and Andy safe." I explained still shaking. "We might have to kill him " Julia said worried. "All right!" Luke said excited. "Shut up or he will hear us!" Julia hissed. Suddenly we heard footsteps, so we crowded against the bridge wall so we would not be seen. As the footsteps get closer, we hold our breaths. Until a man in a robe walked, gave us a weird look and hurried away. "Wasn't he our neighbor that got killed?" Andy wondered out loud. "Not so loud Andy." Julia said to him. " Looks like there is more of them." Y/N said. "Me and Y/N will follow him while you guys keep your eye open for the man." Luke said. "Alright be careful." Julia said cautiously. They both nodded and went to follow the guys while the rest of us stayed put.

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