Chapter 44

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Saturday, September 23rd

Riley's POV

It feels like the seconds have turned into minutes, the minutes into hours, and we have been here for an eternity. There are no clocks and I don't dare to pull focus away to glance at a watch.

Everett and Alexander have been talking in a hushed tone with Harry and Niall off to the side, with a few shared glances that continue to stab daggers directly at me. The most sympathetic looks come from Niall and Harry of course.

I knew this wouldn't be easy, but after watching Niall wipe the blood away from his nose while his pupils dilated, and his eyes started to take on a hazy look of pure absence void of life, I lost the rest of any and all confidence I had mustered up. This place is a hell hole and I now understand so much more of Harry's hard exterior and who he was before he met me, if this was his life before. A life with Alexander and Everett would be so full of anxiety, stress, heartache, torture, and pure fear that anyone would turn into a cold-hearted mess like Harry used to be. I can't even blame him anymore.

I notice Everett's dark eyes meet my own and I quickly turn away before his smirk makes my stomach begin to ache. I miss the days when I was scared of everything and everyone. Two months ago I would have never been caught dead in a position like this, because everything made me nervous, but now I decided I needed to stand up for myself, and look where it has gotten me.

I am standing on a cold concrete floor, shuffling my feet back and forth, looking at the scuff on the top of my shoe, pretending it is fascinating enough to keep my focus while attempting to hear whatever Alexander was discussing. His jaw was clenched and his face held a tight look of pure hatred with no room for softness or happiness to shine through. When I last looked up, Niall looked lost in a daze, Harry was completely void of emotion, Everett was smug and cheerful. The atmosphere in the room was thick as each person had a different thought and a different motive for being here.

"No!" Harry shouted, lifting my gaze, to where I now see Everett shaking his head, still holding a smile. Alexander had a tight lipped grimace towards Harry. Niall stared into the distance, shoulders slumped, partially leaning into Harry's side. I want to comfort Niall so bad but I am sure that would only make the situation worse right now.

"I said no." Harry repeats, "It's not her fault. I should have told you. It's my fault okay. She didn't even know about you guys and all this back then, it hardly warrants - " Harry was shouting and in distress but quickly cut off by Alexander slapping him in the face.

My own hand flew up to shield the gasp I emitted, because the attention shifted quickly from Harry back to me again. Harry's head dropped and the room went quiet, he brought up a hand to use his own thumb pad to dab away the small trickle of blood that formed on the edge of his lip. "Please, no," Harry quietly mumbled. It was so faint it felt like I imagined it.

"What I don't understand," Alexander started to speak while wiping his hands together, as if rubbing off any and all traces of Harry from a moment before, "is just why you are trying so hard to protect her? She seems quite capable of protecting herself. Aren't you, my dear?" The words were cold, and I probably should not reply, because anything and everything said can become ammo for later, but during his speech Alexander walked towards me, only to bring a thumb and index finger to my jaw and lift my face to meet his gaze. I hated it, his heartless and empty eyes, the way he smelled, the way he presented himself, everything about him was what I never wanted to experience again. For me, for Harry, for any of the guys. This has to end, none of them could make it out of this alive otherwise.

His hand on my jaw felt cold and almost had a stinging sensation due to the harsh grip he was using. I tried to shake my face away, but it was futile and instead he cinched me tighter, "Riley, stop being contrary. I am trying to pay you a compliment." Alexander hisses with his face only inches from my own. I hated it.

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