Chapter 32

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*This chapter talks about domestic abuse, please be aware*

Friday, September 8th

Harry's POV

I wasn't expecting Riley to text me so soon. Maybe I wasn't expecting it at all honestly.

However, she texted me last night and I have been grateful and giddy since. I feel ridiculous at how a simple text turned my mood entirely around.

I spent the past week thinking of any way to change what has happened and hopefully do something to redeem myself to Riley. I felt like I broke her, and I know I hurt her. I lied to her, I hid things, and honestly I kinda' have just been an asshole. I still say that it isn't my fault entirely, because if she had to see the way Niall was destroyed after Molly, Riley would understand more and get why the idea of liking someone is so fucking terrifying.

On Tuesday and Wednesday Liam and I went to Boston to help Everett with some deals that involved the East Coast Line. We met up with some of the people that took over our roles after we moved to Florida and spent a hefty amount of time getting fucked up ourselves.

Nothing could keep my mind off of Riley though.

I tried alcohol, that made me sad and miss Riley. I tried cocaine, that made me angry and miss Riley. I tried burying myself in a stripper named Amethyst, but I wasn't even able to get it up because I kept thinking about Riley. Nothing worked. I went with Everett and Liam to the bars, to the strip clubs, and the deals, but it all felt like I was just going through the motions and not really there.

By the time I saw the text on Thursday it almost felt unreal.

Riley to Harry: Meet me tomorrow at Mockingbird? Around 1. See you there.

Riley's POV

I opened the door to the small café and scanned the room till my eyes landed on him. There was Harry, sitting in the same corner of the room as the last time I saw him here. Hunched over with a mug and a book sprawling across the table. It's like nothing changed.

But they did. I remind myself.

Harry didn't notice me enter before I make my way over to him. "Hey, I'm going to grab something to drink. Would you like anything to eat or another drink or something?" My nerves start to build up the moment he pauses reading to look up at me.

I felt my knees get weak and my heart rate picked up the speed, the same thing that always has happened when Harry looks at me, only now I am wishing I didn't have this feeling.

Harry gives me a small smile while closing his book and shoving it to the corner of the table. "I have a drink already, but thank you. Do you want me to get yours?"

"No, I'm okay. I can." -Riley

"It's fine Riley." Harry says while standing up and bumping the table. He seemed as nervous as I was.

We got in line and I couldn't help but stare at Harry out of the corner of my eyes. He was fidgeting with his hands a lot, messing with his rings that always intrigued me. I assumed they were to be different, 'cause they were, no one wore that many that I knew. But it was also so attractive how he was so masculine but threw in such feminine touches like that, or his painted nails, that would make you want to know more about him. I could see Harry was clenching his teeth between his jaw, a jawline I had once littered with kisses.

"Staring is rude." Harry leaned down towards me to whisper. I whipped my head instantly and Harry was only a few inches from my face at this point. I could smell the tobacco, mint, and vanilla coming off of him that was clouding my mind. He was dressed simply in a black hoodie, black jeans with holes in the knees, and his clunky black boots.

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