You Need A Little Help?

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"I got it!"

"Throw it!" Percy called. He threw it to Clarisse as Polythemus crawled from his cave angrily.

"Go, I can buy you some time," Ayden told them. Percy went to protest, but she teleported away from them closer to the gave.

"Hey!" She yelled. He threw a rock almost hitting her as she teleported away. She started teleporting objects to hit him all around. He threw his fists into the ground. The ripple in the earth threw her back a few feet.

"Ayden!" Percy yelled. He pulled Riptide free and ran back to help her as the other got closer and closer to shore.

"Don't! Get to the shore!" Ayden yelled as she teleported away from the giant as he tried to step on her like a small mouse. "Percy, I'm serious!" She teleported next to him and grabbed his arm.

"I'm not leaving you behind again," He told her as they were both running. A warmth spread in her chest as they both ran for their lives.

"Nobody! Is somebody! And Polythemus is angry!" The cyclops yelled as he threw a tree. Percy grabbed Ayden as they both dove to the side.

"I'll draw his attention," Ayden scrambled to her feet.

"Ayden, wait-." She teleported to the other side.

"Hey!" She teleported a rock toward his eye. He groaned and put his hand over it. She waved for the others to hurry to the boat. Clarisse was aboard already, Ayden wasn't even surprised she was the first to make it on. She turned and grabbed several rocks tossing them into the air and teleporting them around. The Cyclops was hit from all directions until he tumbled over.

"Yeah get him!" Clarisse yelled. Ayden tried to ignore her as she kept distracting the monster. Ayden teleported around and threw sand in his eye.

"Ah!" His hand slapped at Ayden throwing her to the side, but she teleported over the water as she fell. "Ahh! Foolish! Mortals!"

"Ayden," Percy came over pulling her up from the waves.

"I'm great," She held her side. She was fine, but a rib or two was definitely broken from Polythemus's hit.

"Eat that!" Clarisse yelled.

"She needs to shut up," Ayden looked back at the ship. Polythemus rolled onto his side grabbing another tree from the hillside as he chucked it at the sound.

"No," Percy muttered. Ayden reached her hand out trying to teleport the tree, but it was a big object. A shock went through her body making her cry out for a moment. "What was that?" The tree hit the boat splitting it in half. "We have to get to the water."

"Not my Fleece!" Polythemus cried as he rolled around like a toddler. Percy held Ayden close to him as he forced the water to obey him. They got close to the others and saw that Tyson had called the hippocampi back from the water. Annabeth and Clarisse were on one, while Tyson and Cameron were on another. Grover was still in the water, but Ayden and Percy got another Hippocami.

"I can swim," Ayden grimaced as she tried to give up her spot for Grover.

"Ayden," Percy grabbed her arm as she fell into the water. There was a vibration through the water and in the distance, they could see a fin. "Get out of the water."

"No wait," Ayden wasn't afraid of the shark as it came toward her. It caressed her leg as it nudged for her to hold on. "Get Grover, I've got a ride." Percy stared at the creature. He didn't know why his father would send a creature.

"I guess Thalassa really did save you," Grover muttered.

"Wait Thalassa!?" Annabeth yelled from the other side of them.

Turning Tides | P. Jackson Books 1-5Where stories live. Discover now