16💜 Bogum

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Previous  part:

After 3 hours Dr Minho  come out of emergency room and everyone went
towards him.

Lets start new part

When  Dr Minho came out of  emergency room and everyone went towards him and started questioning him . But he stop them while  saying..

Dr Minho: Relax  guys he is out of danger   now and  he  is sleeping  and after 3 or 4 hours  he will wake up.

Jin: but why he suddenly faint and his body getting cold  ' cut by'

Jungkook: and why his heart beat  was also getting  low ." Worriedly  ask ".

Minho glup his saliva and  said (while ignore  making  eye contact with  them ) nothing  serious  about his  health  he just faint  because of  overworked  and stress  and about his  heart beat  getting low  is _ is ( stuttering) just i think  he don't  eat anything  and because  lack of nutrition  his blood pressure  get low and that's  the reason  his heart  reacted  like this.

But Jin, Namjoon and Suga got suspicious  even kook  because of Dr Minho's behaviour  and jin try to ask but Mr kim cut him while  try to district  them because  he  senses  about what happened to V and  he also sense  to see  jin and suga  suspicious  look because of  Minho  behaviour .

Mr Kim : when we can see My vbear pleases  let us see  him Minho.

Yeonjun: yes yes  i want to see my hyungie  pless let me see him ' said while cracked  voice ' .

Dr Minho: yes u an see him but let me shift him normal word  .

Jungkook:  Yunnie  pless stop cry otherwise  V hyungie  get hurt when he wake up and see his baby's red eyes and he hate to see u cry specially for  him .' Softly cup Yeonjun's face and   clean  his tears  with his thump'.

Jin , suga smile  to see there  youngers bounding and  Mr kim also patted kook's  and Yeonjun's head while smiling.

Namjoon: let go guys Dr Minho  said  we can meet  V .

But the scene make them sad and break  their heart because V 's body attached  many wires and Iv.

V's eyes are still closed and he is sleeping due to effect of Medicine and kook and Yeonjun hurriedlywent towards him and Yeonjun held V' s hand sit beside him and kook also sit other side and he start to cries his( V) hair softly but Suga ask something  make everyone's  attention went to him.

V's eyes are still closed and he is sleeping due to effect of Medicine and kook and Yeonjun hurriedlywent towards him and Yeonjun held V' s hand sit beside him and kook also sit other side and he start to cries his( V) hair softly but Suga ask som...

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SUGA: DR Minho u said V' s alright but why he still in spot of Vantileter and thus much wires attached with his chest area.

Dr Minho:  ohh 'gulp hard' nothing  Mr park  actually ' stuttering ' we actually monitor  V 's heart health and  this wires  and oxygen  mask  just help him to breath properly and  because of  lack of sleep and  due to stress he become  weak . Nothing  serious.

SUGA : Okk .

Dr Minho  sign Mr Kim to talk  him privately. 


When  Jin and others took V hospital and  Jhope went towards  Tae's room but he stop because of  someone's  shout and the person is 

When  Jin and others took V hospital and  Jhope went towards  Tae's room but he stop because of  someone's  shout and the person is 

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Bogum: where is my Taetae  .

Okk byy guys that's  for today and  thank you  for reading  my story  and picks  is used in this chapter  is not mine .



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