2| Do I get a kiss?

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Lydia and I spent a good four hours at the mall, catching up one everything I missed. Which really wasn't much but I still listened.

I stand underneath the hot water, letting it bead off my face. I let out a deep breath and get out. I'm drying off my body when I hear a noise in my room.

I put on new clothes and slowly open my door, peaking into my room. I see Scott on the edge of my bed and Stiles looking at my bookshelf.

"There she is!"

Scott jumps off of my bed and claps. I force a smile as Stiles turns around with a book in hand.

"Put that back!"

He quickly puts my book back on the shelf. He turns back to me and my breath hitches. Scott makes his way to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"It's good to have you home, Liv."

It's very rare for us to hug. Or really to be nice to one another. But this is how it usually goes. I come back from New York disguised as an anger management seminar and it's like we're the same little kids again who loved each other.

That all changed at the beginning of freshman year. I became popular with Lydia and he didn't. That's when our arguments really started to happen.

"Missed you too, Scotty."

I pat his back and back away. I look back at Stiles, who's already looking at me. I look at him and alls I see is the night we shared at the beginning of the year in a moment of weakness.

I didn't regret it. I just didn't want Scott to find out and I guess to Stiles it looks like I did.

We've both since acted like it didn't happen. Even though it very much did.

"Umm.. so, why are you guys in my room at this hour?"

"Up for an adventure?"

"Not really.. tomorrow is the first day back at school."

"It'll be fun."

"Anything involving you two is trouble."

I tilt my head as they both nod in agreement.

"Livvy, c'mon."

I know if I look into Stiles eyes I will end up giving in. I look up anyway.



"This is ridiculous.."

I grab a pair of shoes and pull them on. I follow them out of my room and out to Stiles Jeep. I climb into the backseat.

They want to look for a dead body which is absolutely ridiculous. I know this was Stiles idea. He has a police radio and listens in on what they're saying. He gets away with it because of Noah.

He parks and I stare in between them. I should've just said no and went to bed. This is easily one of the dumbest things I've ever done.

"You two are biggest idiot I know."

"But you love us." A smile forms on Stiles lips. "Come on.. it'll be fun I swear."

I roll my eyes.

"Let's just get on with it."

I get out from Stiles side, tripping on my way out but he catches me. I quickly stand up straight.


I walk around him, not giving him a chance to say anything back. Scott shakes my shoulders as I glare at him.

I know it was a bad idea to let them drag me out in the middle of the night to look for a dead body. Why Stiles wants to do this is beyond me.

Stiles hands me a flashlight as I follow them through the woods. Scott moans about wanting to get a good nights sleep before practice in the morning.

"No offense, Scotty, but you would be getting a good nights sleep just to sit on the bench."

"That's kinda rude."

"You're not exactly the best player on the field."

I follow Stiles lead with Scott right behind me. Stiles pulls me to the ground when a light appears feet away.

"Come on!"

I get up with Stiles, running with him. I turn around to look for Scott, seeing him hit his inhaler. A dog barking scares the hell out of me as I scream.

"Stay where you are!"

I hold my hands up, looking down at Stiles on the ground.

"This little delinquent belongs to me." Stiles stands up. "And that one is my God daughter."

I smile.


"Dad, how are you doing?"

"So, do you listen in to all of my phone calls?"

"No. Not the boring ones."

I roll my eyes.

"And where's the other partner in crime?"


"He's at home. Talked about wanting a good nights sleep for the bench tomorrow."

"Yeah, dad, it's just us."

"You're telling me you willingly came out here with Stiles?"

I nod. He looks around with his flashlight.

"Scott, you out there?" He yells. "Scott!"

"I'm gonna walk you back to your car."

He grabs us by our collars, letting mine go but still holding onto Stiles. He berates both of us for being out in the woods at night. I stop walking, looking around. Something feels off, I just don't know what it is.

"Olivia, is something wrong?"


Noah wraps his arm around my shoulders while walking us the rest of the way to the Jeep. He kisses the side of my head before opening the passenger door for me.

"Do I get a kiss?"

"Make sure Olivia gets home safe."

Noah and my mom were never really close in high school but his late wife, Claudia and my mom were. My father hates Noah and it all started in high school. He never wanted him and Claudia to be my God parents but my mom made the executive decision.

"Sometimes I think my dad likes you better than me."

"I don't blame him."

"Ha ha. You're not funny."

Stiles leaves the preserve and drives to take me home. I try and wait up for Scott to get home but end up falling asleep the second my head hits the pillow.

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