Chapter 47 ⁓ Club Hedone

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THE NARROW ALLEYWAY of red brick leads behind a building in the night district

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THE NARROW ALLEYWAY of red brick leads behind a building in the night district. People walk by, far enough away that he doesn't have to conceal his weaponry. He feels separate. He has been for a long time, but now he feels it to his core.

With his father, he felt a divide between himself and other humans. Most don't know the terrible truth of what goes bump in the night, not even about the mages that rule most of the world, the werewolves, or the vampires that live amongst them.

He has a focused mind. The ring is held tightly in his hand, and it's glowing brighter. The purple hue is vibrant enough to be seen through his fingers. Reid is here, in this club that's under construction. The sign is covered with a tarp that flaps in the strong wind of the coming storm, which darkens the sky overhead.

Club Hedone.

There's a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to press his back flush with the alleyway's wall that's radiating warmth from within. 

He stares into Lucas's eyes and feels his heart beat faster in outrage, but nothing goes beyond that initial reaction. He knows that his breaking point is near. He'll hold on a while longer, and then he'll deal with whatever he needs to when Reid is safe.

"Kane," Lucas says with a deep frown. He risks keeping his hand heavy on Kane's shoulder. "We're about to walk into a fight, and that look in your eye is fuckin' worrying."

"I'm good."

"Good? I've seen you in a fight, and this isn't the crazy bastard I know."

What can he say? He's an idiot. He should have sent Hannah away the moment he knew he felt deeper than attraction for her. Every time he looked into her eyes and touched her, he felt calmer, and that stupidity lulled him into believing that they'd all be okay.

He can't afford love, not in this life, not when he's fighting these kinds of monsters that ruin lives and hurt unfathomably.

He should've seen the signs that Reid was going to do something stupid when he started apologizing. He can't keep that moron safe. How did he ever think he could keep Hannah from succumbing to all the shit they deal with daily?

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