Game Plan ~ Ch5

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Warnings : Physical abuse, mental abuse, mentions of slavery

The Next Day - 5 Years Ago

(Y/n)'s Point Of View

I woke up with my cheek pressed against the cold and wet wooden floor. The moment my eyes opened, I was painfully aware of how sickened I felt from the sways of the ship. We had already set out to sea- meaning that Ace couldn't save me. My lips trembled as I sat up, gagging as I pushed myself off the floor, the smell of salt entering my nostrils. Doffy's ship never swayed this much.

"Oh, look. She's awake." A voice said from infront of me, making me gasp. I hadn't realised that I wasn't alone. My head tilted up to look at what was infront of me, only now realising that I was stuck in a tall metal cage. Behind the bars were two men, watching me scramble back and away from them with a smirk sitting on their lips. My trembling lips turning into full blown sobs as I pressed myself against the wall behind me.

I wasn't a fool enough to attempt to be optimistic and think Ace would come to save me. I wasn't a fool enough to think that Doffy was out there looking for me. And even if he were, he wouldn't find me when I was on these random men's ship. Nobody was coming for me and I couldn't save myself, I was too weak. So these men would break me and use me and I would just have to let them because I am nothing without my families- all three of them.

"W-what do you want from me?" I whispered to them, my fingers clenching onto my skirt that was wet and dirty now. The man that decided to stand up to inch closer, I recognised as Sako- the one who'd choked me until I'd passed out. The stoic boy next to him was the one the captain called Tora, the one who was most well behaved if I remembered correctly.

"Come on." Sako chuckled, "You should know why, shouldn't you? I mean, you were hiding on that tree for quite a while listening to our conversation. You should know exactly what we want from you." I gulped at his words, rememberimg what they'd talked about when I was up on that tree. They said they wanted to give a slave a devil fruit and use them against the marine government. And to think I was now this slave terrified me.

I whimpered, sinking back against the wall as the man began opening the lock to the cage. I was finally happy again with Ace and Luffy. Why was it that everytime I found happiness, something had to go wrong? First with Cora, then with Sabo and now me. I'm the casualty.
"Let me lay out the game plan for you, okay?" The man said with a grin as he entered the cage, leaning against the bars of the doorframe.

"First, we're going to break you until you're too shit scared to run." Sako smirked, "Lucky for you, I've been given the permission to lead that part of the process- with this idiots supervision." As he spoke, he motioned over to Tora who had yet to speak a single word.
"Then, we're going to feed you this devil fruit." Sako then told me, motioning over to the black fruit that sat idly on a box beside Tora. What kind of fruit was that? I've never seen it before, and I saw a lot of fruits when I was with Doffy.

"Next, we're going to train you to be our little helper. I'm sure you'll do great." Sako chuckled. It was then that he noticed that my eyes were still on the devil fruit, too panicked to say a word. The fruit seemed darkly sinister- it called out to me and I couldn't tell why.
"Unfortunately, we don't know what kind of devil fruit this is yet since this is the first we found rather than bought." Sako sighed as he grabbed the fruit, throwing it into the air before catching it.

My breath hitched as he tossed it around carelessly, as if he were playing ball. Stop it. It doesn't like that, I wanted to say. But my lips were firmly sealed shut.
"But, I'm sure it'll be strong. I have hope, you know?" Sako sighed as he put the fruit back down on the wooden box.
"If you're wondering why none of us just eat the fruit ourselves, it's because we're all really good swimmers, you see. They call us the Sea Dweller Pirates." Sako boasted with a grin.

"And if you know anything about devil fruits, you know that you cannot have both the sea and the power of the devil. You must pick one, and so we all picked the sea. You get it?" Sako rambled. With every word he spoke, I began getting more and more dizzy.
"So, that's why we have you now. You're going to do all our dirty work with your soon-to-come devil fruit abilities." Sako told me, "Any questions?"

My lips refused to open- words refusing to form on my tongue. But it seemed that Sako took my silence as a no.
"Good. Shall we start then?" Sako then asked casually as he reached for something that was wrapped around his belt- something I hadn't noticed until now. A whip. My heart began beating erratically as my sobs got louder. I shook my head, begging him softly.

"N-no, please no." I whimpered, my pleads making him more excited. I could tell by the sadistic glint in his eyes.
"Think of this as Day 1 of breaking you." He smirked as he stepped closer before suddenly swinging his whip forward and onto my shoulder.

I bet my screams echoed throughout the entirety of the East Blue.

(A.N ~ Vote & Comment!)

Chapter 6 Quote Teaser :

"You were fifteen with no devil fruit, I couldn't expect you to save me from men like them."

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