Barbarians ~ Ch4

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Twenty minutes Later - 5 Years Ago

3rd Point Of View

"(Y/n)!" Ace called out as he approached the tree where he'd left the girl behind in order to investigate the ruckas happening I'm the village, "Apparently, the pirates came to refill their sake barrels- which means I was right! I should be an oracle, huh?" Ace joked with a grin as came closer, looking up at the tree with squinted eyes. His grin faded when he realised (Y/n) wasn't replying.

"(Y/n)?" He called out again, attempting to squint harder in order to make out where the girl was. It was a lot darker now so he couldn't tell where she was on the tree, probably glaring at him.
"Are you mad that I didn't let you come?" Ace then asked when he didn't hear an answer from her. He frowned when he recieved no response, "The pirates were dangerous- they even got mad at Yuzo for the brand of sake the village had! So I'm glad I didn't make you come, they were clearly barbarians!"

Ace huffed with frustration when he revived no reply, begining to climb the tree so he could look her face to face.
"(Y/n), I thought we were too old to do the silent treatment? You know how much I hate it when you don't talk to me. If you want to be mad at me, you can just yell, you kno-" Ace cut himself off when he reached the top of the tree, looking around to the that it was empty up there. (Y/n) was nowhere to be found.

Ace's brows furrowed as he looked over at the nearby trees. Maybe she'd climbed over to one of them to see the village more clearly. But as Ace looked left to right, he became more certain that (Y/n) wasn't anywhere near here.
"(Y/n)?..." He then mumbled, a bad feeling rising in his chest. Maybe she went back to Dadan in the house? Dadan was always more lenient with (Y/n) when she was sad compare to the boys.

Ace then quickly climbed down the tree as fast as he could before setting off into a run through the forest to the house. The closer he neared to the house, the worse the feeling in his chest began to feel. Ace burst through the front doors without a care in the world for the noise he'd make as the door slammed against the wall, making Dadan begin yelling immediately. But ace couldn't hear her, his eyes raking around the room for (Y/n)'s sparkling eyes.

"Dadan, have you seen (Y/n)?" Ace asked quickly, cutting Dadan off from her angry yells the moment she saw the fearful look in Ace's brown eyes.
"Why would I have seen her? She's been with you all day." Dadan replied with confusion, making Ace's heart drop down to his gut. Without another word nor explanation, Ace rushed out of the house and rapidly made his way through the forest.

"(Y/n)!" He yelled out loudly, rushing the the only place left that she could be.
"(Y/n)! Answer me!" Ace yelled out again, pushing his way through bushes and fallen branches until he made it the cliff that overlooked the port. To his relief from afar, he realised that someone was indeed sitting on the edge. But as he got closer, he noticed a familiar strawhat and all hope diminished instantly.

"Luffy!" Ace yelled, "Have you seen (Y/n)?" As Ace approached Luffy, sliding to a halt right behind the boy, Luffy finally turned around. It was then that Ace noticed the boy's purple eye and bloody nose. Ace gulped loudly, halting, forgetting to breath as his eyes flickered across Luffy's beaten up face.
"Luffy?! W-what happened?" Ace gasped, now noticing that Luffy was sobbing as he stared down at the port.

"I'm sorry, A-Ace! I tried to s-save her! But they were too b-big!" Luffy sobbed, making Ace freeze, "She wasn't awake, s-so she c-couldn't hear me scream her name and t-then they put her in a box and I couldn't reach her!" As Luffy sobbed, Ace found himself lightheaded.
"What're you... talking about, Luffy?" Ace asked slowly, hoping that Luffy didn't mean what he think he meant.
"The pirates..." Luffy began with a sob, sniffling as he pointed over to the shop that has already set sail,

"They took (Y/n)!"

(A.N ~ Small boi Luffy.)

Chapter 5 Quote Teaser :

"First, we're going to break you until you're too shit scared to run."

Nobody Else (Portgas D. Ace x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora