What did go wrong 2

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Next morning,

Olivia was at the hospital with Reen right then. Reen admitted her to the hospital.

[ Flashback ]

Olivia went to Reen's house after leaving the green park villa with her luggage. Seeing Olivia, she was shocked but eventually she let her come inside. Reen noticed her skinny body and dark circles near her eyes. She knew something was wrong. She couldn't take care of her because she was really busy these days. She looked at her with questioning eyes.

Reen: When is your next chemo session?

Olivia gulped. She didn't tell her that she was not taking further treatment. She didn't know what to say, how to say that. She hesitantly spoke up.

Olivia: I stopped taking treatment. I am not taking any.

Reen looked at her with shocked eyes.

Reen: Are you crazy, Olivia? You are telling me you are giving up. I don't want to listen to you. We are going to hospital right now. Let's go.

Reen grabbed her hand taking her with her but Olivia stopped her.

Olivia: Why don't you accept it? Reen, I have lots of work to do. I have lots of things to bring in its place. I can't waste my time. I can't die just like that.

Reen: Do you want to die then?

Olivia: Nobody wants to die.

Reen: What about you?

Olivia: I said nobody..... including me.

Reen: Then why did you stop taking treatments?

Olivia: You are not understanding.


Reen took Olivia's hands in her hands. She took a long breathe.

Reen: Liv, I don't know who my parents were. If they are alive or not. I don't have anyone whom I can call my family except you. Please, please for my sake, take this treatment. Don't give up like that, for me, please Oli please. I am begging you.

She was crying while begging her while Olivia was looking at her helplessly.

[Flashback ends]

Olivia was at the hospital taking her treatments according to her condition. She was laying on hospital bed while Reen was sitting beside her bed. They were not talking with eachother. Olivia grabbed her phone and typed a message to Patrick.

She wrote,

'I know you are still in touch with all of them. I know I don't have any right to say especially after what I did. But still I want to meet them. It's not about our reunion that we promised years ago. It's just I want to say.......one last goodbye.'

After that, she kept her phone away. As soon as Patrick saw the message, she got a video call from him. She picked up the call and smiled at Patrick who was on the call.

Time skips,

Reen was strolling around the chemotherapy room while Olivia was under chemotherapy.

Ray, Patrick , Nathan, Violina, Tina and Everly entered the hospital in a hurry. They hurriedly asked the receptionist about something and hurriedly went to their destination. They saw Reen stroking outside a room being impatient and restless. They quickly approached her. Seeing them, Reen could understand what they wanted ask. She stepped aside and they could see Olivia inside the chemotherapy room.

They saw Olivia lying down on the chemotherapy machine while lots of wires attached with her body. She was unconscious as they used anesthesia on her. They looked away as they couldn't control their emotions seeing her like that. They were waiting for the doctor to come out of the room while looking down quietly and patiently.

Don't let me goDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora