Home coming

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Olivia Park, a 28 years old grown woman, a successful jewellery designer in the city of Seoul, South Korea, currently living with her step family. Olivia woke up and went downstairs after getting ready for office. She went to dining table where her biological mother, brother and step father were eating their breakfast. She took an apple from the fruit basket and started eating when her mother said something that gained her attention.

Mother: He along with his parents is coming today

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Mother: He along with his parents is coming today. I expect you to be in your best behaviour and don't create a scene.

Olivia: Don't worry, Mrs. Min. I ain't coming back from office anytime soon. So you don't have to worry about my behaviour. *She said while munching her apple*

Olivia took her stuffs and left for her work.

You must be thinking, "why did she addressed her own mother as Mrs. Min?"

Olivia's parents got divorced when she was 9 and her brother was 11 years old. During making decisions about who's gonna keep who, her mother didn't even think twice and chose her brother. She easily gave up on her. After that, she and her father shifted to USA. For 16 years, neither her mother nor her brother tried to have contact with her. She also didn't tried from her side due to her agony towards them. It' was not like that her father didn't love her or anything. In fact, he loved and cared about her the most. He fulfilled every single duty of a father and a mother even after having lots of lacking as a single parent. He treated her like a queen. For him, his daughter is everything. He didn't even remarry for her. For Olivia, her father was everything and she loved him the most. But after his father's death, she returned back to Korea and started to live with them at her step father's request. Even though she didn't want to live with them, but one of her father's wishes was to see them living together. But even though she was living with them for 3 years under the same roof, their equation were never that good. Her mother never tried to understand her and she never tried to explain her the things. Her step father was better at behaving with her than her own blood related mother and brother.

Question : Who is he?

He is Olivia's step cousin brother with whom she fell in love with. Her mother including her whole step family and he, himself, his girlfriend and everyone knew the fact. But her mother never supported her. She chose her in-laws, her marriage instead of her own daughter like always. In fact, her mother adored Jenifer (the girlfriend) most. Sometimes, Olivia scoffs everytime thinking if by any chance, Jenifer was her mother's daughter.

Time skips,

Even after finishing her meetings with the clients, she stayed back at the office some more time so she don't have to face the guests. It was 11 pm at night when she drove back to the house being extremely exhausted and tired. She thought 'HE and HIS FAMILY ' left by then. But when she entered the house, she became surprised. To her surprise, they were still there.

Step father: Olivia, you must be tired. G and freshen up . After that, come and sit with us. We need to talk about something.

Being tired Olivia took a glance on everyone. Seeing him, her mind screamed just one word  'COWARD ' . Uncle Min and Aunt Min was always good to her. That's the one reason that she was not behaving anything rude or going from there despite being tired af.

Olivia: Is it necessary for me to join and be a part of it?

Before anyone could reply to it, her brother said something rudely.

Eren: Dad asked you to come that means you have to come. When will you stop arguing? Where are your manners?

Olivia rolled her eyes and went to her room.

After sometime,

Olivia came down after changing into a comfortable nightwear and getting freshen up. She went towards the others and sat on a sofa.

 She went towards the others and sat on a sofa

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Olivia: Now say whatever you guys wanna say.

Step Dad:  Since you know, Yoongi and Jenifer is going to marry each other soon. So until then your uncle and aunt will stay with us.

(Yoongi who right? Yes, that's Min Yoongi aka Suga of BTS)

Olivia looked at her uncle Min and uncle Min and saw them giving her a smile.

Olivia: I thought he had a better house than us.

Mother: OLIVIA. *Stern voice*

Her mother yelled at her whereas the Older Min Couple tensed up at her reaction.

Olivia: Well relax. I didn't mean anything bad. I just meant he is a millionaire and he is keeping his parents to us instead of keeping them with him. So I was just curious, you know.

Step dad: You know he is been busy with his job. Moreover, Geum Jae and his wife is currently out of town for some works. Your uncle and aunt would be bored staying there alone. Besides, it's nice to have our family around with us.

Olivia looked at them unbothered while mentally scoffing at the word 'family'.

Olivia: Well, whatever. I don't care. Besides, it's your home. You can do whatever you want. No need to ask or tell me.

Mrs. Min: Why are you saying like that, honey? It's your home too and you are family. Of course, your opinion is important.

Mr. Min: Aunt Min is right, sweetheart. We care about you.

For a minute, Olivia was caught off guard. But she made her face into a 'don't care' look and rolled her eyes.

Olivia: *scoff* That's a new information for meh. Is he (Pointing at yoongi) going to stay here too?

Step dad: Oliv-

He was trying to say something when he got interrupted by Olivia standing up from her seat. She looked at everyone's face once.

Olivia: Well, I don't have any problems with whatever you do or decide as I don't stay home at much. Now that we are done discussing, I would like to go to sleep as I am really tired.  *Yawn*

Before anyone could interrupt her, she went back to her room. Her mother sighed before asking for a apology towards Mr and Mrs. Min senior which they accepted as they knew Olivia's situation. Yoongi was looking at her disappearing figure. The situation was awkward between families and it was partially because of him.

After Olivia's parents got divorced, Olivia and her father shifted to USA while some years after, her mom got  married to Mr. Min Junho, uncle of Min Yoongi and Min Geum Jae which made Olivia and Yoongi step cousin brother and sister. 3 years earlier, when Olivia came to Korea to live with her mother, brother and step dad, she met with Yoongi. Eventually she fell in love with him which was a great mistake as per as her mother. She never supported her feelings and cursed at her every time for it.


"Is falling in love a crime?"


Question of the day:

What do you do when you are sad?

My answer: Listen to sad songs and cry making painful scenarios in my mind. (Like this story)


Words Count: 1218

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