Don't let me go

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Olivia was having nightmares from the last few days. Everyone noticed that eventually but Olivia didn't talk about it to anyone not even Yoongi. Even though her friends from USA had slightest idea of her nightmares but they couldn't just say until Olivia decided to say by herself.

Olivia was better at health other than the nightmares. She was able to move by herself without taking help from others. Her breathing was normal than before.

It was the night time. She was sleeping when like before she woke up screaming and blabbering some things. She woke up breathing heavily all sweaty. She got out of the bed. She started feeling dizzy. She could hear the ambulance sounds, the glass breaking sounds, the screamings, the arguments. She covered her ears with her hands. She started crying, she was afraid. Yoongi and Eren rushed towards her room including others.

Olivia: Don't do-n't *whispers*

She sat on the floor crying.

Olivia: D-don't come n-near me. *Sobs*

Eren carefully went towards her and sat with her.

Eren: Look at me, Olivia.

Olivia: *sobs* Don't d-don't  *cough*

She started coughing and blood started coming out.

Reen brought tissue for her and passed that to Eren as he was the one who was near to her.

Eren: You didn't tell me the whole thing that day, did you? What are you not saying?

Olivia looked at him.

Olivia: I......I-


When I started to date Stephen, Dadda didn't like it. That time, we had little arguments. It was not that big. I didn't care that time. But his behaviour with Stephen made me really angry. And that one day.......]

Olivia: I love him, Dadda. Why are you not understanding?

Dadda: He is not suitable.

Olivia: How can you say that without meeting a person properly, without knowing him properly?

Dadda: I want you a happy life. I will bring you the perfect guy, but not that guy.

Olivia: Yeah.... Just like grandpa decided mom for you and you guys got divorced after two children. What? You want that 'SAME HAPPINESS' for me. Sorry but I am not interested raising my kid without a dad.

Dadda: Olivia, he is not good.

Olivia: He is not good, okay fine. You were good, right? Then why did mom left you and married some other man? Please don't advise me when you, yourself couldn't maintain YOUR relationship properly.

Dadda: OLIVIA.....*stern voice*

Olivia: WHAT DAD?! I CAN SCREAM TOO. You know what? I better leave now.

Dadda: Where are you going?

Olivia: Somewhere where I feel home. Someone who cares for me. Somewhere where I don't feel suffocated.

That day, I didn't know what was gotten with me. I didn't know what I was saying. But all I knew was I hurt the person who loved me most in this world. I won't say Stephen didn't love me. He definitely loved me. But his love became a barrier for me. Can't talk with other friends, guy friends specifically. It was because of him that our friendship ruined. *Indicating Ray and others* . And then one day....

Don't let me goWhere stories live. Discover now