Mother: Yahh

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Mother: Yahh....we don't have whole day. What are you waiting for?

Olivia got out of her unconscious mind and put her hand on the security lock. The door opened by its own. They got inside the house except Olivia. Mark looked at her side and gave her a nod. Olivia closed her eyes and took a deep breathe and entered the house. The others were wandering around the mansion. In the hall room, there was a huge picture printed in the wall. There was Olivia including a boy whom they didn't know. A man whom they saw that day when Olivia was fighting for her father's company. And an another man was there in the picture whom they didn't know but could feel that it was her dad as Eren was looking at the man in the picture with eyes of some emotions. They looked at the photo frames that were attached to the wall. There were many different people with Olivia. There was a graduation picture of Olivia and her father. Mostly there was pictures of Olivia and the same boy whose picture was printed on the wall. Seeing those pictures, they felt he was someone closer to Olivia's heart. Olivia looked at all of those pictures and thought how happy they were until she ruined everything. That's when Ara said something to Jenifer and others making Olivia to look at her.

Ara: Could be he her boyfriend? I mean look at them, they are so close.

Olivia looked at her and turned her eyes to that guy in the picture. She suddenly started to feel cold. Mark noticed her condition and immediately stepped forward to change the topic.

Mark: Queen and the guests of queen, may I have the attention?

They all looked at him.

Mark: I think you guys should take rest till then I will tell someone to bring your food.

Olivia: Are the room clean yet?

Mark: Mr. Johnson did clean the rooms except those which were locked. He must be going somewhere. I will call him. You can unlock the room after he comes.

Olivia nodded her head. After Mark left, Mr. Johnson came.

Mr. Johnson: Queen, welcome back.

Olivia just hummed.

Mr. Johnson: Queen, please open the locked doors so that I can clean the rooms.

Olivia: Just clean dadda's room. Come with me.

Olivia took the stairs and went upstairs followed by Mr. Johnson. She put her right hand on security lock and the door opened. Olivia took a glance around the room. It was dirty due to dust but well decorated. She entered the room and many memories of her and her father were flashing in front of her eyes. She went towards the closet and opened it. Then she took out a big box including a blazer of her father. Eren always hated his father like Olivia hated her mother for leaving her. But Eren and Olivia's case was different. Even though Ha-joon loved his daughter but he loved Eren a little more. Even though, Olivia never complained about that. She remembered clearly how one time she asked her father if she and Eren were both drowning in the river. Who would he save? Ha-joon's answer was Eren and Olivia was strong enough to protect her and told her how he raised a bravest person which was true. He did make a lot of efforts raising her. He loved him a lot when Eren always thought that his father loved only his daughter not him. She had many to things to set right. It was one of them. She couldn't make them come together when he was alive but she would definitely try to make the hatred disappear from his heart. She took the box and went downstairs where Eren and others were there. Eren looked at with the eyes of 'what do you want'.

Olivia: This is dadda's blazer which she always wanted to give you and about this box, I don't know. Take a look.

Eren started to check out the things of the box. Everyone except his mother and step dad circled around him to know what's inside it. He tried to open the box but it was locked system. It had a pin as password. He looked at her and asked for the password.

Olivia: Try your birth date.

Eren frowned and seemed confused. He tried it eventually. To his surprise, it worked. To Olivia, it was no surprise. Even though she didn't know the password. In that box, it had a picture of 11 years old Eren and his father. A diary where it was all about Eren. 14 christmas gifts with dates and note. Seeing all these stuffs, he became speechless. He didn't know what to say.

Olivia: I hate to say it but somewhere he loved 'you' *pointing at him* more than me.

When they were taking about these stuffs, Mr. Johnson came down after cleaning the room.

Mr. Johnson: Queen, it's all done.

Olivia: Okay. You can go.

Mr. Johnson: But what about other rooms?

Olivia: *pause* *looked at all of them once* It won't be needed.

Mr. Johnson: As you say, queen.
*He left*

There was total 10 bedrooms in the mansion. Between that, 6 rooms were fully cleaned. 2 rooms were locked and the other 2 rooms were not in the shape.

Olivia: You guys can choose any rooms of those 6 and whoever you want to sleep with.

Step dad: Where will you sleep?

Olivia: You don't have to worry about that. Mark brought us food earlier. Let's eat.

They all chose their room and after that, they all started eating peacefully until Jenifer broke the silence.

Jenifer: You know Yoongs, I saw a room with balcony attached. Can we sleep there today? Olivia, please unlock the room.

After Jenifer mentioned about the room, some flashy memories hovered over her head. She reminiscing some scenes that a boy was choking a girl. The scene was blurry. There was blood, broken glasses. The room was messed up.

Olivia: Be happy with whatever you got.

Jenifer: What's up with you? Didn't you say your house can fit more than I could imagine? Then what happened?

Yoongi: Jenifer, it's okay. We will manage.

Jenifer: Yoongs, I really liked that balcony. It's so romantic.

Olivia's subconscious mind flashed a memory that a boy was hugging a girl from behind with lots of love in their eyes.

Olivia: If you don't like it here, go and book a hotel for yourself. No body will go near those two locked rooms. I meant it. NOBODY.

She left the room without eating and went outside for fresh air.

Question: You are physically fine and mentally enjoying but still have you ever felt suffocated?

My answer: Yes. Whenever I feel like whatever I am feeling, I ain't be able to explain. I feel suffocated as if someone is choking my neck.

Words Count: 1808

Don't let me goNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ