Its all over

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*Skip five months *

Magcon just ended for us. The whole tour is done for our little family. We all have to pack our stuff and go back home. That means I won't be able to see Matt as much, or maybe never again. We were all on the bus on the way to the airport I looked over at Matt and I knew I was going to cry so I got up and went to the beds. I went to his and cried. A couple minutes later the curtain opened

" oh, Lauren." Matt sighed and climbed up onto the bed. Meh sat with his legs out and I looked at him.

" come here baby." He whispered I crawled over to him and put my head in his lap. He started to play with my hair.

" why are you so upset? You didn't even want to come on this tour." He said with a chuckle

" wh-what's going to happen to us?" I asked and a tear slid down my cheek.

" I don't know, what?" He replied

" we won't be with each other all the time. We won't even be in the same state. " I cried into his lap.

" why not?" He asked

" you know why!" I yelled. " you're so aggravating!" I continued . I climbed off the bed.

" Lauren, come back here ." Matt said

" no. It's not like you care anyway." I said walking to the back of the bus where the couch is. I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands and cried,

" baby, I'm sorry-"

" no your not! " I told him

He sat on the couch and pulled me between his legs. He wrapped his arms around me. I tried to get out of his grip but he wouldn't let me

" please don't fight me this might be one of our last times doing this. " he whispered.

I turned around and he whipped my tears. I put my legs around him and put my head into the crook of his neck. He rubbed my back.

" I love you so much Matt." I whispered and looked at him

" I love you Lauren. So so much." He whispered and kissed me slowly and softly on the lips.

" that's why we're not going to be separated." He said as I put my head on his shoulder,

" what?" I asked looking at him.

" my family is moving, to your street." He smiled.

" no way!" I yelled. He nodded I put both of my hands on his cheeks and kissed him.

I pulled away and a tear ran down my face.

" these better be happy tears." He smiled and I nodded.

" I love you so much baby girl." He smiled looking at me. " you are so beautiful." He whispered.

" I love you Matt. More than you can imagine." I whispered looking at him. He kissed me again but this time felt different. I mean I have always loved him, but this kids just had so much meaning behind it. We have been dating for about 6 months now, because our 12- hour break up doesn't count. I have never felt this way with anyone. I feel so safe in his arms. I can't even imagine what life would be like with out him.

I hate my twin( Matt Espinosa fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now