Oh no part one

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Lauen's pov ***
Ok so we all just got off the plane in Colorado, you know that feeling that something bad is going to happen? Well that's how I feel right now, but I'm sure it will be fine. I'm holding Matt's hand and we are walking to the limo that is taking us to the hotel that the show is at tonight. All the rest of the boys are there already.

" babe come on." Matt said,

" I'm tirrrreeddd." I whined he bent down and I jumped on his back and put my head in the crack of his neck and closed my eyes next thing I felt was the cold wind hit me I shivered.

" are you cold baby?" Matt asked.

" yeah." I said he put me down and took off his sweat shirt and gave it to me I put it on and got back on his back I was so tired I closed my eyes and next thing I new we were at the hotel, I got out and walked in with my suit case, I saw all the boys and screamed

" no way!" They all looked over and ran to me I was soon wrapped in all of there arms I smiled and ran to jack g. I jumped and he caught me, he was like my guy bestfriend besides Matt of course, he laughed and so did I. After a while we all got our rooms. I was with Matt and the jacks.

When we opened the door to the room I flopped on the bed and Matt came next to me

" I'm taking a nap wake me up at...5:30" I said considering the show was at 6:30.

" ok." He said and kissed my head " I'm going to go to Taylor's room come get me if you need anything. "I nodded and went to sleep.

**** 5:30****

" wake up, babe, come on you need to get up." I herd matt say as he gently shook me I opened my arms and mumbled

" come cuddle for a little bit."

" no we need to go in an hour go get ready." He said with a bit of annoyance laced in with it. I groaned and got out of my bed I walked over and picked out an out fit.( picture at the top or side) I lightly curled my hair and put on light make up. Once I was ready I walked out of the room to see the boys waiting for me

" ok, let's do this." I said and we where in our way to the stage.

**** meet and greet****

The day was almost over and I have my last person coming my way, it was a male. It shocked me because most boys don't come.

" hi, I'm chase nice to meet you." He said with a smirk, he creeped me out honestly. I have him a hug and he put his hands on my ass. I pulled away and let it slide, hoping Matt didn't see. I took a picture with him and signed his phone case. As we said goodbye he slapped me ass and I sent him a glare but he only laughed. I roiled my eyes and turned around to see a pissed off Matt comings way.. Oh no.. This won't be good.

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