Messy tags

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****Laurens pov****
I shot up crying, again. My head was still a little weird about lily, boy I miss her already, she did not deserve to have cancer. Matt shot up and brought me to his chest. This was the 5th time this had happen so far, I was a mess thank god we were the only ones in the room. I felt bad for waking him up but I can't help it. I started to cry harder and he pulled me to his lap facing him. He rocked back and fourth rubbing my back,
" shhhh Lauren it's all ok, I know it's hard but you need to calm down. I have you you are all ok." He whispered.
" I'm a mess Matt, I so sorry." I cried harder.
" hey, hey, hey, you are not a mess, you just saw something no one needs to, especially girls, y'all are sensitive, your perfectly fine Lauren." He whispered with a little laugh and kissed my forehead I nodded and got up. I walked over to the big window that looked over the city, I looked up at the moon that was shining. I put my hands on the glass and took a deep breath.
" hey lily, I know your up there. I bet you are a beautiful angel, I hope you know you have had an impact on my life....... I feel so bad cause I wish I could help you, it's not fair to anyone that has cancer. But you were a fighter and I love you, I hope you look over all of us and I will see you when I am older up there, bye lily." I said and I cried even harder until it got to the point of where I could not even stand up I slid down the wall and put my head in my hands. I felt Matt rush over and sit next to me he pulled me to his lap and hugged me tight.
" I know you are hurting Lauren, I know, but think about it this way, she is fine now. No more cancer and she can play with all the other kids in heaven." He said and kissed my forehead.
I had finally calmed down after five minutes and we are in bed snuggling when I finally fall back asleep.
As of now I was getting ready for the day, I was dressed in:
A muscle tank that said' like I care'
Ripped Jean shorts
Hightops ( white and black )
A chain neckless that said smile
I was starting to put on my makeup when Matt came in
" babe, you don't need that." He said
" babe, yeah I do." I said back and he frowned. I went to grab powder and matt stole my makeup bag and ran out the door.
" MATT ! " I screamed and chased after him he was half down the hallway. I bolted after him and jumped on his back making him fall. The bag flew up and landed in front of us I was on his back and he was under me on his stomach, we looked at each other and I smirked, I quickly crawled over his head to the makeup, and I felt him grab my ankle and pull me back. He got up and grabbed my bag.
He ran into Nash's and Kate's room. I followed him in there and ran to the bathroom. I got Kate's makeup and started again, Matt found out what I was doing and threw me over his shoulder I screamed and started to hit him.
" MATT! Put me down!" I screamed.
" nah I'm good."
I rolled my eyes and slapped his ass. He jumped and dropped me, but not on purpose. Me being a dancer I ended up Rolling and standing back up easily. I turned around and Matt looked at me. I took off running down the hall I ran down the stairs and out side, he was really close behind me, I found a small park and ran in it to the swings. Matt jogged over and tried to pick me up. I shook my finger in his face while saying
" not today babeeeee." I then ran around him I herd him laugh and run to me, I know I can't run forever and he is faster then me, considering he plays football. I felt someone grab my hips and pick me up while spinning around, I squealed and laughed.
" nooooo!" I said jokingly,
He put me down and I turned around putting my hands around his neck he rested his hands on my hips. I went on my toes and kissed his lips. He pulled me closer and deepens the kiss, I broke away,
" can I have my makeup bag back?" I asked with puppy eyes. He shook his head. I sighed and walked away to the swings. I sat down on one and started to swing, I looked down and just thought. Matt was quick to come over. He stood behind me and stopped the swing. I stood up and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and turned around. He was sitting on the swing and he patted his lap. I put my legs behind him and say on his lap facing him. I looked down.
" Lauren, look at me." I shook my head.
" please ." He asked. I slowly looked up.
" I know this is not about your makeup, now, what's up?"
" nothing." I said.
" now that's a lie. What. Is. Happening?" He said looking in my eyes.
" the fans, already think I'm ugly with makeup on, I don't need any more shit cause you want to be a dick and take my stuff away!" I said getting louder and louder until I was yelling. I started to stand up but Matt grabbed both of my wrists and pulled me back down still holding them.
" don't blame this on me, please." He said still being calm.
" how could I not blame this on you! It's your fault! It's all you fault Matt! I can't stand you!" I screamed trying to get out of his grip but he would not budge.
" hey, hey hey, Lauren! Stop. Calm down." He said and pulled me into a hug.
" it's your fault! It's all your fault! It's yours! All yours Matt! " I screamed starting to hit him
" it's your fault." I whispered he shook his head
" no it's not, your stressed out, and you need someone, I'm going to be that someone, now that we got this blaming shit out of the way. What happened?" He asked in a sturdy tone.
" the fans, most of them hate me, and I don't know why. I never did anything wrong." I got out on the verge of tears. " I never did anything Matt, not that I know of. "
" hey I like you. The fam likes you too, lily, Lily likes you too, who cares about them. they are not important, so stop worrying about them. Worry about you, me, the fam, and about how life is perfect because your here with all of us." He said.
I could not even talk, so I did the next best, I kissed him, a slow passionate, slow kiss.. I pulled away but put my forehead on his.
" I love you matt." I said
" I love you Lauren," he whispered and kissed me again.

I hate my twin( Matt Espinosa fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now