"Yes bhaiya, I will give them fair chance! And don't worry, I will will keep visiting here , every weekend! " I said still in his embrace

Bhaiya pulled out of hug and caressed my hair with a hint of guilt in his eyes he smiled at me , a forced smile and said

"You can't Shivu "

"What ? But why bhaiya?"

"Shivu you already know na about mine and Vaishali's job , we have been moved to Canada, initially only Vaishali, I and Vihaan were moving there , but we decided to take mumma with us , now that Papa is not here , I don't think she can live here , also a change of place will refresh her mind. But don't you worry Shivu , if you are not happy with them , I will take you to Canada with me . " He said and kissed my forehead, all this broke my heart more, at first I was relieved that my family would be here only , hardly a day away, but now ....

To even think about it , it feels like I am being excluded from this family, I know it's not like that , but I can't help my insecurities, I feel like they are going to forget me ....

Bhaiya again took me in his bear hug , and softly murmured in my ears

"I can never forget you gudiya, no one can"

I nodded , still trying to hold in my sobs, that's my brother....

"Now go , talk to Rana sa, they were saying something about leaving for Udaipur as soon as possible"

I just nodded at him and smiled...


Soon enough I was standing near the entrance of my home , soon to be ex home , waiting for Mr Chauhan and his son to pick me up, yeah we are leaving for Udaipur today itself because according to Mr Abhay Singh Chauhan, he gave his word to his family members and it can't wait more, as we have already wasted 10 days,, a bunch of insensitive people if you ask me, I mean, here I lost my Papa and they are excited for me to arrive at their palace and play family - family!

A black luxurious car stopped infront of me and a guard came hurriedly and opened the backseat for me , I gave a hug to my mamma , bhaiya and bhabhi last time and sat into the car.

I thought I would be alone in the car , but I was wrong, because as soon as I sat in the back seat, my black eyes met the identical one on the passenger seat. There was no doubt that he was related to me, we have almost identical facial features, almost, his features are sharper than mine and though we have identical eyes, but his eye held that cold and emotionless look while mine held mischief.....

"Abhay Singh Chauhan, your oldest brother" a monotonous voice brought me back to the reality and that's when I realised that I have been staring at him for a while....

"Oh .. nice to meet you Mr Chauhan, I am Shivagya"

What's wrong with me! It is obvious that he knows me already!! Godd can I die from embarrassment!

"I know you , Princess Shivagya, and address me as bhaii or Bhai sa "

he said and it was clear from his tone that it was an order, not a request, and having heard enough about this man , it was clear that he never requests anything......

The Royal RebelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin