Chapter 12

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Numb , that's what I am feeling right now...

That's what I have been feeling from the last 10 days....

That's what I felt when I got to know about my real identity......

That's what I was feeling when the doctor said that they were not successful in saving my Papa....

My papa was my hero , I don't think I can give his place to anyone, even my biological father...

But I have to do this , for his last wish....

My family, the Vyas family, had been a mess for these 10 days ...

Mumma is crying continuously, bhabhi is busy managing the relatives who are here just to offer fake condolences and to have free food, and bhaiya....I haven't talked to him since that day in hospital, I don't even know what he is thinking about all this, I didn't even get any chance to talk to him, he is really busy looking after all the rituals left..

I am busy in just taking care of my little champ, Vihaan, he is my only escape from all these things happening around me, Jiya never left my side and has become my support system, Pranali and Neel too arrived as soon as they got the news about Papa's demise.

I was just taking a morning stroll on the terrace, away from all the hustle bustle going inside my home when Kartik bhaiya came to me and threw a hand around my shoulder

"Aur Shivu , what are you doing here alone, away from the family members ? "

He asked casually not meeting my eyes, is he seriously ignoring the fact that I am soon leaving for Udaipur, with my new family....

"Taking a stroll, relishing as many memories as I can before I leave for Udaipur, and what family members are you talking about? Papa is not here anymore and you all are going to become strangers in a few days!" I replied

His head snapped towards me faster than light
"What are you saying Shivu ? Strangers? Really? Are you out of your mind? You know I was just 5 years old when I got to know that I am going to become a big brother, my happiness had no bounds! You were just 10 days old when you first tied rakhi on my hands , more like mumma made you tie it , I decided that day that I am going to protect this little princess, no matter what ! Blood or not Shivu , you are my sister, and no one can change that! Not even Udaipur's Royal Family! Accepting them or not is your decision and I will stand with you but as your elder brother, I am going to give you some advice, give them a fair chance Shivu , not just because Papa asked you to, but because they deserve this! I can clearly see care and longing for you in Abhay's eye , Rana sa too consider you as one of their own ,well you are, but it feels like his love for his daughter is still intact, even after your refusal to accept them ! And it's not like anyone is forcing you, you can always come back to us , this is your family and will always remain your family Shivu !"

By now I had tears running down my face and I hugged him tightly
"How can I give Papa's place to anyone else?"
I asked

"You are not giving Papa's place to anyone gudiya, you are just making another place for your biological father in your heart. Similarly you will now have another brother to tie rakhi but that doesn't mean that you will stop considering me your brother shivu!"

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