Chapter 6 (Revelations II )

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Abhay Singh Chauhan

"No my princess didn't die that day, she is still alive and living her life freely, Yes Abhay , your little sister is alive..."

As soon as baba sa said these words , the world started spinning around me , I leaned on a nearby chair for support

Yes I knew that Baba sa 's other child , Rudra's twin ,was alive , but I didn't have any idea about the child being a little girl, first born in the family after many generations ..
And the fact that maa sa and daadi sa tried to kill her...

It was too much to take in

My sister, must be somewhere in this world, unaware about us , her family, her brothers ...

I looked towards baba sa to explain further
He towards the flower field and started again .

"When I reached the accident site, Manish was still alive, he was on the verge of death but he told me about my little princess being alive and in safe hands, he told me that he entrusted her to a nice middle class couple whose daughter was also born this morning, but dead.. He was sure that they would take good care of my daughter.However he was only able to tell me the couple's last name."

"You never tried to look for her!" I exclaimed, shaking my head in disbelief

" I didn't had the courage Abhay, I trusted Manish'd judgement. If maa sa even got a hint about her being alive, she would have killed her... "

"Why you suddenly decided to tell me the truth now?" I asked to question which was bugging my head from a long time

"Abhay , listen to me carefully, I agree that what I did was wrong, helpless or not , I did commit some unforgiving mistakes, but son, my daughter is innocent, she shouldn't be the one punished due to my deeds... She shouldn't be deprived of her rights...."

He said , now I am getting an idea of what he was asking..

"You want to...."

"Yes son , I want to introduce my daughter to the whole world , I want to address her as my daughter, I want to give her rightful position to her,I promised Ruhanika that our children would never be deprived of their rights because of me , I want to live the rest of my life with my daughter present in it .. "

Does he even know what he is saying....

"Maa sa and daadi sa would never agree, do you even have any idea about consequences of your actions, your cowardly decisions destroyed an innocent life baba sa"

"I know what I did was wrong and I got my punishment for that Abhay! I just want to full fill my promise and give that position to it's rightful owner.... Please Abhay , only you can help me! I have already waited long enough, I don't think I can stop myself anymore! You know very well that no one in this family would dare to go against you and I am proud of you for that , you are not a coward or helpless like me , you can protect your sister well.."

He was right, I am not helpless like him , I can protect my little sister....

"Don't worry baba sa , my sister will get her right, she is the princess of Udaipur, she will get all the luxury, she won't live her life as a middle class anymore. Also I will make sure no one even dares to look towards her with bad intentions let alone harm her. "

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