PART _ 2

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All the four meet at their place in the evening. Their place is a very beautiful park where the love couples come to spend time but this unique group goes there to have fun or tease the love couples.

So everyone went and started eating their favorite paan. There was a small shop near that park. The paan of that shop is very good and everyone likes it very much.

Fahman,  had not come yet. So everyone was waiting for him and after waiting for a some time they went to eat paan.


I had little late or as I reached the park I saw all my friends standing at the paan shop.  I park my car in the parking area and go to my friends.

I reached them and saw everyone eating their paan. Sumbul was about to put her paan in her mouth, I quickly held her hand and put the paan in my mouth.

Ohhhhhh yrrrr Fahmy, you are so rich, take your paan and eat, why do you eat my paan every time?............................. Sum spoke angrily.

When you know that I fed your paan like this every time, then why do you get angry.. and I feed you paan latter every time. ...............................I said while licking her fingers.

The love between these two has started, let's go, these two will come......................... Kanwar said while holding Ulka's hand and taking her to the park.

Then I fed two paan to Sumbul and we both walked towards the park.

While all four of us were sitting in the park, a loving couple was kissing.

I closed Sumbul's eyes with my hands.

AREE...   why are you closing my eyes, close your eyes idiot and I am not an adult, I can see everything like this.   ...........................Sumbul said while hearting my hands with her nails.

You can't see all this, okay  means you can't see it in front of me.    ............
................I  said turned her back side and removed my hands from her eyes.

You are really strange Fahmaan flirts with every girl but keeps me away from all these things.   ...........................sumbul said with a confused face.

You know I do all that to pass time, my real love is  in Shimla.  ............................... I said placing my hand on her shoulder.

Yes yes I know, you talk so much about her, I don't know when she will come and when you will introduce me to her.   ...................................Sumbul said while walking with me and  her hand on my waist behind me.

Then we all talked for a while and left for our homes.

It was already 8 o'clock. So as usual I drop Sum to her house in my car.

Then we reached Sumbul's flat and we both said goodbye and goodnight to each other.


Then i opened the car window and started going out.

Sumbul.................... He said

Han...............................I turned my face towards him and said.

GOODNIGHT  .....................................he said kiss on my forehead or gave me a naughty smile

You are really crazy, if you have  so much love and you can't control it, so why don't you go to your beloved...........................I looked into his eyes and said

Now you are with me, I will love you, when she comes, I will love her................................ he said making a face.

Pagal tharki................
I said as I got out of the car.

Then I went inside my house and Fahmaan went to his house.


I was going to my home and what Sumbul had said was wandering in my mind.

I should tell Megha that I love her. SHe is coming after three months, I will express my love to her......................................I think in my mind.

But my heart and mind remain in Sumbul only. Why can't I live without her? Why do I get worried without her?
Why do I get angry when a boy talks to her? I don't know what happened to me, I want Sumbul in front of my eyes.Sumbul became my friend only two years ago and I am more connected with Sumbul than Megha.

I don't know why I like her anger, her scolding, her love, her mischief. Why don't I say happy words to her? I don't know why my mind stops in front of her.I don't know why I think about her when I wake up in the morning...........................................I thought about driving on the road.

Look, right now I am thinking only about her, she is right, I have gone mad, I am unable to control myself after seeing her cute face and I kiss her. She is my friend, a good friend, but then my heart want kisses her soft lips when a boy talks to her.Then my heart want shows my authority over her...................................................I was thinking all this with a sweet smile

Then I reached my home, made dinner, ate and slept.

I LOVE MY SECRETARY Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora