Chapter 3- Booze.

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Clementine's eyes slowly opened, the bright light jarring to her senses. As her eyes acclimated to the light, the loud sound of an engine rumbling filled her ears. Her hands were gripping onto a steering wheel, her eyes following the snowy scenery that past. Along with the sound of a familiar voice.

"Getting into first gear's the hardest part. Now just stay on the road, the most important rule there is." Kenny spoke, chuckling softly. A brown eyepatch covered his left eye, that familiar cap covering his too long hair. "Now let's try shifting into second"

The brunette reached down, stepping onto the clutch as she moved the gearstick into second gear. The car jolted ever so slightly as she did so.

"Not bad at all, especially for your first time." The older man said with a smile "You just gotta ease up off the clutch smoother, alright?"

"I wanna try it again" the girl spoke, looking at Kenny momentarily before turning her attention back to the road.

"You will, and next time, just.. Be gentle. And once we get down to Florida we'll ditch the wheels and I'll make a real sailor out of you, mark my words" Kenny spoke with a chuckle. It never ceased to amaze Clementine how much he wanted to find a boat.

"You too buddy!" He said, looking into the backseat to see AJ, playing with his feet and earning silence in return. "I just can't get him to talk.. It's unusual for his age"

"Well, the heaters broken, he's cold" The younger girl spoke, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Only makes sense to head to Florida sooner than later. Leave all this snow behind right? Be like summer every day" He smiled, reminiscing on his days in Florida, before the world went to shit.

"Yeah, no kidding, it's freezing outside, the sooner the better for sure." Clementine spoke, glancing at the older man.

"I'll teach AJ how to fish.. How to swim.. We'll watch the sunrise every morning, All three of us. But we ain't getting anywhere going 25 miles an hour, shift her into third, let's get her really cooking" 

Clem did exactly that, shifting the car into third gear, much smoother this time. The car sped up.

"There we go Clem! Time we get to Florida, you'll be a better driver than me!" the man spoke, patting the girls shoulder.

"I really appreciate you teaching me." She smiled at the man before looking in the rear view mirror, frowning "Hey goofball, where's your blanket?"

Kenny sighed, turning around in his seat "Can't get a peep out of this kid, I swear duck was gabbin' a mile a minute at this age" He spoke, searching for the infants blanket.

"He'll talk when he's ready, there's nothing wrong with AJ"

"I know, just a bit odd for a kid his age. Then again Albert Einstein didn't talk til he was 4 and look at how he turned out" He smiled, still searching.

That's when the car started to veer off the road, the ice making the road slippery. Kenny turned quickly, grabbing hold of the wheel to try and stabilise it. "I got it!"

The car continued to veer, sliding off of the road and crashing into a lamp post. Catching the attention of some nearby walkers. 

Clem slowly came to, opening her eyes. AJ's cries soon grabbed her attention, she spun around, sighing with relief. "Oh God, you're okay.." she spoke, turning her attention to Kenny's seat. He wasn't there. Her head turned to the smashed windshield. And that's when she saw him. Laying in the snow, covered in bruises and cuts and blood.

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